Bioptim Versions Save

An optimization framework that links CasADi, Ipopt, ACADOS and biorbd for Optimal Control Problem


2 years ago

Are you bored waiting after the optimization? Obviously everyone wants things to go faster! You can now c-compile the function optimized by Ipopt! Also, while you are being fatigued, why not optimizing it with the brand new fatigue model!

Enjoy :D

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

The very nature of an optimization, is to be better at something. But bioptim was shy. It would not show you how good it was! This is no longer the case! Now Bioptim can happily show you its performance on objective function WHILE optimizing!

Now it is your turn to show us what you've got ;)


2 years ago

Bioptim implemented the direct collocations for those who prefer them to direct multishooting!


2 years ago

The rewriting of the core opens new doors that did not even exist before. Now, it is possible to plan for integrated objective! The API was also improve to get a better user experience. Bioptim gets mature and we hope you will like it


3 years ago

Installing acados into Mac was a mess, now it would be a mess not to! The reason? Installing acados on Mac is now easy as pie! Give it a try


3 years ago

Moving horizon is an important part of optimal control programs. It allows, by marching over frame, to optimally predict very long trials. Bioptim now has a module for MovingHorizonEstimator and NonlinealModelPredictiveControl!


3 years ago

"Get to the world and yell out loud your existence, praising the good, condemning the bad"

Bioptim is ready for the world to be aware of it and it comes in the form of a paper! This version is the actual version used to produce the data from the paper.

Long live to Bioptim!


3 years ago

Slowly but surely maturing in its cocoon, bioptim was getting there. And there is it! The day has come when bioptim is ready to call itself the version 1.0.0! That is a big day for it and let all celebrate in a big Hurray!

Long live to bioptim! Hurray!


4 years ago

Everything starts with an idea. A way to improve the world around you. An idea that you will observe and cherish for some time. And then, it became real. The world is a better place. But that just the first step, the baby step, the 001 step... The 0.0.1 step

Welcome to the future of optimal control in biomechanics!