Aws Jwt Verify Versions Save

JS library for verifying JWTs signed by Amazon Cognito, and any OIDC-compatible IDP that signs JWTs with RS256, RS384, and RS512


2 years ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

Noteworthy changes

  • It's now possible to include the raw JWT in verification errors (#27)
  • Enable tsdoc hints when creating the verifier, to help the user understand the configuration options (#11) :

These changes are BREAKING changes for some usage patterns, therefore this release increments the major version number to 2.0.0:

  • To enable tsdoc hints in #11 we refactored various TypeScript types. You'll only notice that, if you were explicitly importing the now refactored types. If you don't know if you did, you probably didn't, in which case this change isn't breaking for you. (All example code from remains valid without any change).
  • As part of #27 we've split out the errors that my be thrown when checking claims. Instead of a generic AssertionError more specific errors are now thrown (e.g. JwtInvalidScopeError). If you weren't explicitly testing for error type (e.g. doing err instance of AssertionError) this change isn't breaking for you.

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

Functional changes (all non-breaking):

Allow "aud" claim to be an array of strings (#14) This makes the library compatible with JWTs from Auth0

Expose error module so it may be imported (#12) If you want to catch this library's exceptions, you may want to import them (and use instanceof), this is now possible.


2 years ago

First public release 🎉