Aws Cli Orb Versions Save

Install and configure the AWS command-line interface (awscli)


2 years ago

What's Changed

This minor version update includes the following changes:

Added Commands

assume-role-with-web-identity - This command generates short lived AWS keys using OpenID Connect. You use an IAM OIDC identity provider to establish trust between CircleCI and your AWS account when running jobs. Creating a Web Identity based role-arn that's compatible with OpenID Connect in AWS IAM is required.

Added Features

setup command now includes assume-role-with-web-identity command. The setup command installs the aws cli and runs the assume-role-with-web-identity command if the role-session-id and role-arn parameters are passed. If not, a profile is configured with the AWS_SECRET_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY that are passed as environment variables.

Added Parameters

assume-role-with-web-identity command has the following parameters

  • role-arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that the caller is assuming. Role ARN must be configured for web identity in this command.
  • role-session-name: An identifier for the assumed role session. It must be less than 64 characters
  • session-duration: The duration of the session in seconds. It defaults to 3600 seconds (1 hour).
  • profile-name: The profile name to be configured with Web Identity

Usage Example

description: |
  Setup the AWS CLI and configure with Web Identity.
  Assume roles on AWS without storing keys on CircleCI and utilize short-term credentials instead.
  For more information, see the CircleCI OIDC docs:
  version: 2.1

    aws-cli: circleci/[email protected]

      executor: aws-cli/default
        - checkout
        - aws-cli/setup:
            profile-name: WEB IDENTITY PROFILE
            role-arn: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/WEB-IDENTITY-ROLE
            role-session-name: example-session
        - run: echo "Run your code here"

        - aws-cli-example:
            context: aws

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

What's Changed

This version update includes the following breaking changes:

  • role-arn parameter has been removed from the setup command and is now exclusively in the role-arn-setup command.

New parameters:

install command now lets users specify the install and binary directories for the aws cli

  • install-dir: Specify the installation dirertory of AWS CLI. Defaults to /usr/local/aws-cli
  • binary-dir: The main aws program in the install directory is symbolically linked to the file aws in this specified path. Defaults to /usr/local/bin

Added features:

install command can now be installed on Alpine Linux and Windows bash.exe

  • Windows uses Choclatey to add AWS and must be installed prior.
  • When installing AWS on Windows, bash.exe must be specified when defining the executor using the shell parameter like so:
      image: windows-server-2019-vs2019:stable
    shell: bash.exe
    resource_class: windows.medium

Issues closed:

  1. #82
  2. #77
  3. #46
  4. #95

PR's closed:

  1. #92
  2. #88
  3. #79
  4. #57
  5. #96
  6. #97

Full Changelog: