Assent Versions Save

🙏 Android Runtime Permissions made easy and compact, for Kotlin and AndroidX. With coroutines support!


5 years ago
  1. Some bug fixes to version 1.0.0. Check out the previous changelog if you haven't already.
  2. Added unit tests to cover all of the core functionality and make sure nothing breaks accidentally during future development.


5 years ago
  1. Rebuilt the whole library, it's written in Kotlin now.
  2. The API has changed a bit, it will break your current usages but not by a lot.
  3. Everything should be simpler and easier to use, and the code is smaller overall.
  4. Got rid of the annotation-based result notifications, only callbacks can be used to receive results now.


7 years ago
  1. Fixes for cases when an app switches between setting the context to a Fragment and Activity frequently, and the wrong context being used.
  2. Updated Google libs.
  3. Added LOGGING_ENABLED static boolean to Assent which can be used to enable Assent logging if needed.


7 years ago

Added support for the v4 Support Library Fragment class, also added an AssentSupportFragment.


7 years ago

Updated target SDK, Gradle, dependencies, etc.


8 years ago

Dependency updates


8 years ago
  1. Updates for newer versions of Google libs, including AppCompat.
  2. Added AssentFragment, which should be extended in your Fragment classes. See the README for more info.
  3. Other crash fixes, bug fixes, improved logging, etc.


8 years ago
  1. Simultaneous request handling: if you request two different permissions at the same time, the second permission request won't execute until the first one is done.
  2. AfterPermissionResult annotation: as an alternative to callbacks, you can have Assent invoke a method in a target class when a specific set of permissions are granted or denied.
  3. Other code cleanup and organization.


8 years ago
  1. An important bug fix relating to Assent's Activity reference being cleared when dialogs open (e.g. the permission dialog). They are now only cleared when the current Activity is actually finishing.
  2. Made the sample a bit more complex.

If you had trouble getting the Gradle dependency to work before, see the updated README.


8 years ago
  1. Dangerous permissions (permissions that require a permission request on API 23+) are now constants in Assent, so you don't have to use Manifest.permission. E.g. you can use Assent.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE instead of Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.
  2. PermissionResultSet now has a allPermissionsGranted() method.