Artisan Versions Save

artisan: visual scope for coffee roasters


2 years ago

This version adds performance and stability improvements as well as macOS and Windows legacy builds

Release Sponsor: Showroom Coffee

The Artisan project runs on donations from individuals and companies recognising the value of Artisan for their work or leisure. Consider supporting this project with your donation, or even better, purchase an membership!


>>> Release Notes <<<

See the detailed release history for a complete list of additions, changes and fixes and the Installation Instructions for platform specific notes. Read our Quick-Start Guide!

Supported Platforms

Builds are available for macOS Catalina 10.15, Windows 10 (x64), Linux glibc 2.31 and 32bit Raspbian Bullseye or newer.

Legacy builds for macOS High Sierra 10.13, Windows 8 (x64) and Raspbian Bullet are available too.


Licence Notes

Artisan is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Artisan is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Copies of the GNU General Public License has been included with this distribution in the file LICENSE.txt. An online version is available at


2 years ago
  • regular macOS build (signed and notarized) supports macOS 10.15 and newer
  • regular Windows build supports Windows 10 and newer (incl. Windows 11)
  • macOS legacy build (signed) supports macOS 10.13 and newer
  • Windows legacy build supports Windows 8 (and runs on some Windows 7 installations)
  • Linux builds run on 64bit with glibc 2.29 and higher
  • RPi builds run on 32bit Buster and Bullseye, respectively


2 years ago

This version adds tracking of energy consumption & CO₂ production

Release Sponsor: Sweet Maria's

The Artisan project runs on donations from individuals and companies recognising the value of Artisan for their work or leisure. Consider supporting this project with your donation!

>>> Release Notes <<<

See the detailed release history for the complete list of additions, changes and fixes and the Installation Instructions for platform specific notes.

Builds are available for macOS 10.15, Windows 8 (x64), Linux glibc 2.31 and Raspbian Buster or newer.


Licence Notes

Artisan is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Artisan is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Copies of the GNU General Public License has been included with this distribution in the file LICENSE.txt. An online version is available at


3 years ago

This version improves some established automation features to better support the control of preheat and between batches protocols

The Artisan project runs on donations from individuals and companies recognising the value of Artisan for their work or leisure. Consider supporting this project with your donation!

Release Notes

See the detailed release history for the complete list of additions, changes and fixes and the Installation Instructions for platform specific notes.

Builds are available for macOS 10.15 or newer, Windows 8 (x64) or newer, Linux glibc 2.18 and Raspbian Stretch & Buster.


3 years ago

This version adds support for machines of over 40 brands.

The Artisan project runs on donations from individuals and companies recognising the value of Artisan for their work or leisure. Consider supporting this project with your donation!

Release Notes

See the detailed release history for the complete list of additions, changes and fixes and the Installation Instructions for platform specific notes.

Builds are available for macOS 10.13 or newer, Windows 8 (x64) or newer, Linux glibc 2.18 and Raspbian Stretch & Buster.


3 years ago

This version adds the Roast Comparator, Profile Transposer and Roast Simulator among others.

An overview of the most significant changes and additions is given in the v2.4 Release Notes.

See the detailed release history for the complete list of additions, changes and fixes and the Installation Instructions for platform specific notes.

Builds are available for macOS >=10.13 and later, Windows 8 or newer, Linux glibc 2.18 and Raspbian Stretch & Buster.

If you think Artisan is useful to you, contribute to support its further development. Send any amount via my PayPal.Me page. Thanks!


4 years ago

v2.1 bug fix release


4 years ago

This version fixes an issue in v2.1.0 which adds tools to analyse flicks and crashes.

An overview of the most significant changes and additions is given in the v2.1 Release Notes.

See the detailed release history for the complete list of additions, changes and fixes and the Installation Instructions for platform specific notes.

Builds are available for macOS >=10.13 and later, Windows 8, Linux glibc 2.18 and Raspian Stretch or newer.

If you think Artisan is useful to you, contribute financially to support its further development. Send any amount via my PayPal.Me page. Thanks!


4 years ago


This version adds tools to analyse flicks and crashes.

An overview of the most significant changes and additions is given in the v2.1 Release Notes.

See the detailed release history for the complete list of additions, changes and fixes and the Installation Instructions for platform specific notes.

Builds are available for macOS >=10.13 and later, Windows 8, Linux glibc 2.18 and Raspbian Stretch or newer.

If you think Artisan is useful to you, contribute financially to support its further development. Send any amount via my PayPal.Me page. Thanks!


4 years ago

This version establishes a new look, comes with a new application icon and is the first release supporting the inventory service.

An overview of the most significant changes and additions is given in the v2.0. Release Notes.

See the detailed release history for the complete list of additions, changes and fixes and the Installation Instructions for platform specific notes.

Builds are available for macOS >=10.13 and later, Windows 8, Linux glibc 2.18 and Raspian Stretch or newer.

If you think Artisan is useful to you, contribute financially to support its further development. Send any amount via my PayPal.Me page. Thanks!

A note on upgrading from v1.x

Artisan 2 stores the application settings in a new location. On first start of artisan 2 the old settings are imported. From that moment on, changes to settings done with artisan 2 will not be synchronized automatically back to previous versions. However, synchronizing settings via save/load settings (under menu Help) manually works across all versions. It is anyhow advisable to export a working setup and keep it save to be able to track back in case changes do not work out as expected.