Argocd Operator Versions Save

A Kubernetes operator for managing Argo CD clusters.


6 months ago

This is the first release candidate for v0.9.0


  • Adds support for Argo CD v2.9.2


9 months ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

This release updates Argo CD to v2.5.4.


#794 feat: changes to support the feature apps in any namespaces #793 feat: add support for new subkeys in resource customizations #781 feat: Remove Argo CD as a base Image from the Export Dockerfile #771 feat: add support for env and proxy vars for notificaitons #812 feat: upgrade the registery base image to v1.26.2


#817 fix: Argo CD is updated with wrong value when using Ingress on OpenShift clusters #815 fix: Argo CD Server fails to connect to Dex #786 fix: Update sso eventing logic to stop spam #775 fix: broken Argo CD Export for AWS #779 fix: export for Azure Blob Storage #772 fix: notification controller log level not working as expected #809 fix: add list and watch only for applications for cluster role #808 fix: restrict server clusterrole list and watch permissions to only applications #803 fix: discrepancy between Applicationset Controller Pod ContainerPort (8000) and Service TargetPort (8080) for metrics #786 fix: emit sso deprecation event only once for each instance that needs it #778 fix: remove default help chat url and text


#813 chore: add sample catalogsource #792 docs: fix typo in #790 docs: add controller env variable examples #789 docs: documentation resource customizations example


Many many thanks to all the folks who have contributed to the Argo CD Operator over the past few months. These many contributions, both big and small, general and specific, help to bring a more featureful and polished experience to Argo CD users. We could not do this without all of you!

@ciiay @iam-veeramalla @ishitasequeira @jaideepr97 @jannfis @jopit @reginapizza @saumeya @wtam2018


1 year ago

This release updates Argo CD to v2.4.7.


#473 - feat: Allow users to pass Argo CD server command args from Argo CD CR(#468) #577 - feat: add permissions to manage monitoring resources #598 - feat: Enable configuration of resource tracking method #615 - Added probes to Dex container #635 - feat: add support for creating argocd notifications workloads #638 - Create notifications config resources #642 - feat: Add support for ExtraConfig in Argo CD CRD #646 - feat: unify SSO configuration under .spec.sso in backward-compatible way #647 - feat: Secure communication with redis #650 - feat: added env variable to remove managed-by label on argocd instance deletion #659 - docs: add documentation for notifications #662 - docs: Update documentation to reflect SSO unification in backward compatible way


#534 - Allow Banner configuration for ArgoCD CRD #567 - cleanup: remove openshift related code from openshift package #587 - fix: panic when missing init containers #588 - bug: update workflow to avoid deleting Secrets while reconciling cluster permissions #590 - Add E2E tests for the operator #599 - chore: Fix readthedocs builds #602 - Fix docs to say host instead of URL #604 - fix: delete broken pods of statefulSets #605 - chore: cleanup reconcilation of roles, role bindings, service accounts #610 - chore: upgrade golangci-lint #624 - chore: update the go version and dependencies #625 - bug: fix continuous reconciliation of resources #629 - chore: Add security policy for Argo CD Operator #631 - update deprecated cronjob reference #664 - fix: operator overrides the OIDC configuration for Keycloak #681 - fix: nil pointer error for keycloak on openshift #682 - fix: Operator does not create necessary RoleBindings in all cases #687 - fix: minor spacing issue in trigger configuration #693 - fix: issue with redis image upgrade #704 - fix: pass cluster version to haproxy reconciler hook #707 - fix: added security context on operator manifest #714 - fix: added auto tls for redis ha


Many many thanks to all the folks who have contributed to the Argo CD Operator over the past few months. These many contributions, both big and small, general and specific, help to bring a more featureful and polished experience to Argo CD users. We could not do this without all of you!

@bakito @chetan-rns @ciiay @iam-veeramalla @ishitasequeira @jaideepr97 @jannfis @jopit @reginapizza @rishabh625 @sabre1041 @saumeya @wtam2018


2 years ago

This release updates Argo CD to v2.3.3.


#592 - feat: Upgrades RH-SSO to v7.5.1 and Keycloak to v15.0.2. - supports login with kube:admin - supports Argo CD RBAC using OpenShift groups - RH-SSO support for OpenShift clusters that run behind a proxy. #514 - Add route/ingress host to .status #594 - upgrade ApplicationSet to v0.4.1 #618 - Updated Dex version to v2.30.3


#582 - fix: Set subject on CA cert used for signing self-signed certs #549 - fix: update operator capabilities level in CSV #557 - removed unnecessary roles/rolebindings for target namespace


Many many thanks to all the folks who have contributed to the Argo CD Operator over the past few months. These many contributions, both big and small, general and specific, help to bring a more featureful and polished experience to Argo CD users. We could not do this without all of you!

@chetan-rns @ciiay @iam-veeramalla @ishitasequeira @jaideepr97 @jannfis @jopit @reginapizza @wtam2018


2 years ago

This release updates Argo CD to v2.2.5.


#553 - argocd-tls-certs-cm is overwritten on any change. CVE 2022-24348 - Path traversal vulnerability when specifying Helm value files.


Many many thanks to all the folks who have contributed to the Argo CD Operator over the past few months. These many contributions, both big and small, general and specific, help to bring a more featureful and polished experience to Argo CD users. We could not do this without all of you!

@iam-veeramalla @jannfis @jopit @wtam2018


2 years ago

This release updates Argo CD to v2.2.2.


#491 - Updated Dex version to v2.30.0 #518 - Support for custom roles using env variables #458 - Allow setting replicas for argo cd repo server and argo cd server.


#508 - ApplicationSet Controller Does Not Receive Proxy Configuration #530 - Filter managed namespaces only once per reconciliation #516 - Managed namespace not getting properly removed from argo cd instance #507 #490 - Fix broken Argo CD exports #498 - Publish latest operator build to quay workflow is failing #492 #493 - Operator cannot install keycloak when resource quota scope is not set #506 - Fix crash when no .data exists in argo cd secret #504 - Fix repo and argo cd server field documentation #467 - Fix pod restarts on Proxy cluster


Many many thanks to all the folks who have contributed to the Argo CD Operator over the past few months. These many contributions, both big and small, general and specific, help to bring a more featureful and polished experience to Argo CD users. We could not do this without all of you!

@chetan-rns @iam-veeramalla @jaideepr97 @jannfis @jopit @reginapizza @samanamp @tylerauerbeck @wtam2018


2 years ago

This release updates to Argo CD 2.1.6, as well as updating the operator-sdk framework used to 1.11.0



Note that due to the upgrade of the operator-sdk version, the operator itself no longer creates a ServiceMonitor CR to expose the operator's default metric (This does not affect the metrics exposed by Argo CD itself). To expose the operator's default metrics, create the following CR in the namespace where the operator is installed

kind: ServiceMonitor
    control-plane: controller-manager
  name: argocd-operator-controller-manager-metrics-monitor
  - bearerTokenFile: /var/run/secrets/
    path: /metrics
    port: https
    scheme: https
      insecureSkipVerify: true
      control-plane: controller-manager


3 years ago

This release includes the following enhancements, bug fixes and documentation updates.


  • #184 - Add Property to Disable Admin User
  • #194 - Add support for proxies in the repo-server deployment
  • #280 - Add support for Argo CD 2.0.

Bug Fixes

  • #186 - Pods stuck in crashloop after update to 0.0.14
  • #187 - Fix issue with replacing the resource configuration
  • #191 - Missing gpg configmap after update argocd-operator 0.0.13 to 0.0.14


  • #189 - Add documentation for the resourceInclusions property
  • #190 - Fixed port-forward command
  • #195 - Fixed wrong TLS key example for server route