Ansible Keepalived Versions Save

Keepalived role for ansible deployment


3 years ago

This release include two new features:

  • Support for virtual mac addresses, by @jimbali
  • Only reload config if it has changed, by @gurubert

(Not very) fun story: Using reload instead of restart for keepalived was one of the first features in this role. Interestingly enough, it didn't appear in the first publicly released version of this role. When releasing this role, many people didn't care anymore about reload vs restarts, so the role regressed. I am glad @gurubert cared, as I feel the role is closer to its original goals :). Thanks @gurubert .


3 years ago

This release is removing the support of old distributions, cleans up some code, and introduce a different way to test things.

You can now easily see, with github actions, what's going on in the role, for the multiple distributions, thanks to docker/molecule/tox.

Let's go for 5 more years!


3 years ago

Added fixes from @spookiej and @noonedeadpunk


3 years ago

Includes a fix done by @noonedeadpunk , to ensure the keepalived service is always on, even if it was masked before the role runs.


3 years ago

New feature, dont_track_primary, by M1ha-Shvn


3 years ago

New feature from @elcomtik: Add a boolean to change the systemd overrides, to have a restart "always" mode for keepalived. Thank you @elcomtik !


4 years ago

Fix from @pugnacity: Removed hardcoded list of packages in tasks, which were defined in the vars.


4 years ago

New feature: virtual_ipaddress_excluded, by @tridde. Thank you!


4 years ago

Thanks to @thehawkes , we now have split the template to ease the edits of the templates in the future.

While there is no change in the user interface of the configuration (the dictionary stays the same), and the templated configuration should not have changed (the generated template stays the same with the same input), I think the change is large enough for people to warrant a .Y. bump in the release version, as it is effectively a new feature to split the templates, and it might surprise people.


4 years ago

Thanks to @thehawkes , we know have extra real_server options. New features, new .Y. version!