Ankitpokhrel Jira Cli Versions Save

🔥 Feature-rich interactive Jira command line.


2 years ago

🥷 What's added?

Snapshot of the issue view mode

🐞 What's fixed?

☕️ Other notable changes

Full Changelog:

To all direct/indirect contributors and backers, Thank you 💚


2 years ago

⚠️ This version has some breaking changes in the config file and, you will need to regenerate the config for all features to work.

💡 Notable changes

🥷 What's added?

🐞 What's fixed?

📗 Config changes

🔒 Dependency updates

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

This release adds most requested support for the on-premise jira installation 🔥

What's Changed

  • feat: On-premise/local jira installation is almost fully supported 🎉 #138
  • feat: Allow Tab to toggle focus between the sidebar and the contents screen #157
  • feat: Command to generate UNIX style man pages for section 7 #142
  • fix: Cursor in terminal disappears if command exits with error #162 #163
  • Some minor enhancements, fixes and upgrades #135 #146 #166 #169

Special thanks to all direct and indirect contributors:

  • @kmdpl @fraggerfox @szemek @sushilkg @samundra ⭐
  • Some awesome people at Reddit who helped to test the tool 💚
  • All early adopters of the tool ⚡

Full changelog:


2 years ago

Initial Release

This is the very first release of the Jira CLI tool.


  • Interactive mode + an option to easily integrate with shell/automation scripts using standard POSIX-complaint flags.
  • Easy search and navigation. For instance, you can easily search for something like:
    # Issues that are of high priority, is in progress, was created this month, and has a label called backend
    $ jira issue list -yHigh -s"In Progress" --created month -lbackend
  • Create a neat Jira ticket (and comment) using Github-flavored + Jira-flavored markdown as a template. Supports pre-defined templates.
  • The ticket details are translated to markdown from the Atlassian document and is beautifully displayed on the screen when you view it.
  • Easy sprint and epic navigation. You can quickly view tickets in previous, current, and next sprint tickets using flags like --prev, --next, and --current eg: jira sprint list --current.
  • Fast and straightforward ticket cloning with the ability to replace text in summary and description.
  • You can edit, link, assign and transition the issues with ease.
  • Supports multiple Jira servers using --config flag or XDG_CONFIG_HOME env.