Angular Svg Icon Versions Save

Angular component and service for inlining SVGs allowing them to be easily styled with CSS.


3 years ago

Rebuild with Angular 10.


4 years ago

I backed out the change that automatically duplicated the svg-icon class and applied it to the svg that was added in v9.1.0.

There are now two options to apply the svg-icon's class to the svg in 9.2.0. Option 1: use the new [svgClass] attribute. Option 2: use the [class] attribute and set applyClass="true" to duplicate the svg-icon class onto the svg.


4 years ago

Migrate to Angular 9.

BREAKING CHANGE: as of [email protected], an explicit call to forRoot() must be made on the module's import. Example:

  imports: [ HttpClientModule, AngularSvgIconModule.forRoot() ],


5 years ago

Support for Angular Universal courtesy of @edulelis!


5 years ago

Support Angular 7 and beyond peer dependencies.


6 years ago

Update for Angular 6. Added addSvg function to load svg from string.


6 years ago

Minor update to fix changing svg src.


6 years ago

Update to Renderer2 and added [stretch] and [svgStyle] to directly apply styles to the loaded svg.


6 years ago

Use HttpClient from @angular/common/http.

Note: For use Angular 2.4 through Angular 4.2, please install [email protected] and see the module's accompanying for instructions.


6 years ago

Added peerDependencies for ^5.0.0.

Note: This will be the final release using Http of @angular/http before the move to HttpClient of @angular/common/http.