Angular Librarian Versions Save

An Angular 2+ scaffolding setup for creating libraries


6 years ago

A second ngl init can now be done--there was an issue with rendering the previous value saved...


6 years ago

In yesterday's release, Sass files did not seem to behave as expected when imported. Especially partials which rely on a underscore-prefixed naming scheme to identify themselves to the Sass compiler.

Also tackled:

  • Yesterdays release was improperly naming all initialized projects asrc-report-form.
  • The build directory was being placed in the dist directory when building. This was because the TypeScript loader wasn't pointing to the right config file.


6 years ago

To better support Sass & CSS, we've fixed how the Webpack files pull in the style files. Additionally, the build process's inlining step now processes @imports of Sass & CSS files. Any ~-prefixed import will be prefixed with node_modules. All other @imports will be processed as relative paths (ie, @import "../some-parent.css").


7 years ago

In this update we add support for external scripts when developing. You need a way of letting Angular know what script you're referencing, which you can find out about in your created project's file.

Also added was opening a new tab or window when running npm start and a bug fix that came from moving to Angular 4.


7 years ago

With this release we're doing proper AOT support for generated libraries. The distributed libraries get rid of all the noise & cruft and give the consumers just the information they need to get the point--it's an abridged version of the library's code.


7 years ago

Like any good index, your project's build needs to know where and what to look for...the was not doing that 100% effectively. If any project was npm link-ed into your library and you ran npm start, it would fail to execute your application.


7 years ago

The major changes here are to the structure of the initial command's templates. Source maps on unit tests were not working because of the test.ts file which has been moved into src directory and converted to a JavaScript file (test.ts).

Additionally, a script has been added for running unit tests, so that all testing can be performed through npm test <type> where type is: headless, single, watch, or no value (which is a combo of headless & watch).

Generated projects now also have a tagVersion command which uses the np library to do, as it claims, better NPM publishing.

The READMEs have both been improved. The angular-library-set README has more thorough details and the generated project now comes with a list of commands by default.


7 years ago

Better documentation and support for generating directives.

The near-term roadmap:

  • Support for auto-updating the .module.ts file when components, directives, and pipes are added.
  • More command-line arguments (such as specifying inline styles or templates) to cut back on prompts
  • Support for more commands

The goal is not to reach feature-parity with the Angular CLI, but try to give the best experience possible, whatever that means.


7 years ago

All libraries have shelves. Well we're building our library from the ground up, shelf by shelf. And this is the first one!

You can generate a project, components, services, and pipes!