Angular Gauge Versions Save

A reusable gauge directive for Angular 1.x apps and dashboards


7 years ago

NOTE: do not use v1.1.0. There was some error encountered while versioning the release. Use current release v1.1.1 instead.

  1. support of application wide font styles added by removing the inbuilt font-family css #17. Now gauge will inherit the global font styles set for the application.
  2. Some improvements in /examples code.
  3. is live.
  4. version number corrected and made a new release here.


7 years ago

This release can be used in production application. Provide your feedback and suggestions. Report bugs (if any). For more information on what is being released in this version, checkout the


7 years ago

This build is made to test bower registry download mechanism.


7 years ago

this is another nightly build with much better code quality and test suite supported. Not for production use. Documentation and book keeping still not ready for production.


7 years ago

This release is an experimental release used to grab feedback. This is not recommended for production use. Even the API might change in future.