Angel Versions Save

A Flexible and Powerful Parameter Server for large-scale machine learning


2 years ago


In version 3.2.0, Angel continues to strengthen the ability of graph computing. Compared with the previous version, we have done a lot of optimizations and provided some new features, include:

  • Graph computing layered abstraction and flexible expansion
  • Parameter server and MPI mixed running mode
  • Adaptive model partitioning
  • Support complex heterogeneous Graph Embedding
  • High-performance optimization of large graphs with hundreds of billions of edges
  • Enrich the content of machine learning algorithm library

New Features

  • Graph computing layered abstraction and flexible expansion

    • Provides three layers of abstraction: graph computing engine layer, graph operation operator layer, and graph algorithm layer
    • Provides more than a dozen commonly used operator abstractions such as init, get, walker, sample, etc., as well as custom operator interfaces
  • Parameter server and MPI mixed running mode

    • Provides the operating mode of starting Angel PS in Worker (or Executor) in an embedded way. In one model, PS mode and MPI common ring communication topology can be used at the same time.
  • Adaptive model partitioning

    • Optimize the partition routing method of the data server model, which can support the partition of range and hash at the same time. In the actual graph algorithm training process, the appropriate model partition method can be adaptively selected according to the calculation characteristics of different algorithms
  • Complex heterogeneous Graph Embedding

    • Enriched and expanded the storage structure and calculation mode of the graph, and provided a flexible custom ps func interface for complex operations, which can well support the storage and calculation of complex heterogeneous graph networks, and can support high-dimensional sparse graph node features. Easily perform representation learning of heterogeneous graphs
    • Implemented 5 out-of-the-box heterogeneous graph neural network algorithms: HAN, heterogeneous GAT, heterogeneous GraphSage, IGMC edge prediction, and heterogeneous Bipartite GraphSage
  • High-performance optimization of large graphs with hundreds of billions of edges

    • Special performance optimizations have been made for the training of hundreds of billions of edges, and the test results of the k-core and common friends algorithm are provided.
  • Enrich the content of machine learning algorithm library

    • Added more than a dozen feature engineering methods such as Correlation, Discrete,MutualInformationRandomizedSVD, etc., and a multi-task learning algorithm esmm


4 years ago


In version 3.1.0, Angel enhances graph learning ability, and adds a variety of improvements, including:

  • Features in graph learning with the trend of graph data structure adopted for many applications such as social network analysis and recommendation systems
  • Publishing a collection of well implemented graph algorithms such as traditional learning, graph embedding, and graph deep learning - These algorithms can be used directly in the production model by calling with simple configurations
  • Providing an operator API for graph manipulations including building graph, and operating the vertices and edges
  • Enabling the support of GPU devices within the PyTorch-on-Angel running mode - With this feature it’s possible to leverage the hardwares to speed up the computation intensive algorithms

New Features

  • Traditional Graph Learning Algorithms

    • TriangleCountUndirected is used to determine the number of triangles passing through each node in a undirected graph.
    • CC calculate Connected Components over graph.
    • LPA can detect communities in networks through label propagation process.
    • PageRank is generally used for node importance evaluation.
    • K-core algorithm is used to separate and extract closely connected subgraphs in the graph.
    • H-index algorithm calculates the h-index value for each node in a undirected graph, it's usually used to represent the importance of a vertex.
    • Closeness The Closeness Centrality of a node measures its average farness(inverse diastance) to all other nodes.This algorithm aim to detecting nodes that are able to spread information very efficiently through a graph.
    • CommonFriends is used to calculate the common friend number of two users,and can be used to measure the closeness and used in recommendation and security system.
    • Louvain algorithm is a classic community discovery algorithm, which optimizes the modularity index to achieve the purpose of community division.
  • Graph Embedding

    • LINE is a network representation learning algorithm, which can also be considered as a preprocessing algorithm for graph data.
    • Word2Vec can learn the vector representation of words from text data or node form graph data.
  • Graph Deep Learning

    • GraphSage learns vertex embedding by training the function that aggregates the neighbors' info of the vertex, which plays a general role for unknown nodes.
    • R-GCN are related to a recent class of neural networks operating on graphs, and are developed specifically to deal with the highly multi-relational data characteristic of realistic knowledge bases.
    • DGI is a general approach for learning node representations within graph-structured data in an unsupervised manner.
  • Basic Graph Operators

    • Graph Bulider
    • Graph Information
    • Sampling Operator
  • GPU Support in PyTorch-on-Angel


4 years ago

Angel 2.4.0 Release

Angel 2.4.0 has adjusted the default values of a large number of system parameters, which greatly reduces the performance tuning threshold for users. With this version, you don't need to do much system-level tuning to get better performance. In this release, we also fixes some stability issues.

In terms of algorithms, we reconstruct LINE V2 to support weighted edges.

  • New features


4 years ago

Starting from version 3.0, angel will maintain two separate version series: 2.X and 3.X. We have added the hotfix-2, master-2 and develop-2 branches for 2.X series versions.

Angel has evolved from a single model training system to a comprehensive computing platform that includes all phases of machine learning: data preprocessing, model training, model services, automatic hyper-parameter tuning, and automatic feature engineering. Based on the Angel PS service, we built Angel's ecosystem: sona (Spark On Angel) and PyTorch On Angel. Our algorithms cover basic machine learning algorithms, deep learning algorithms, graph algorithms and GNN algorithms. In order to make the project structure more clear, we split the original project into 8 sub-projects:

angel: Angel's core layer, providing powerful parameter server function. Of course, you can use it to train the model independently.

PyTorch-On-Angel: A lightweight and high-performance distributed PyTorch computing platform based on Angel PS. It uses Angel's PS to support high-dimensional models and uses Spark as a PyTorch scheduling platform. It is easy to use as you can complete data preprocessing (using Spark) and model training (using PyTorch) altogether in one job. Similar to developing algorithms on PyTorch, users can simply use Python to design new algorithms on PyTorch On Angel platform . We have implemented a variety of algorithms in PyTorch On Angel: LR, FM, DeepFM, Wide & Deep, xDeepFM, GCN, GraphSage, etc, exhibiting higher performance (5x~10x) than those on Angel and sona. We stongly recommend you to use the PyTorch On Angel platform if you are more concerned with performance.

sona: A generic computing platform based on Angel PS and Spark that uses Angel PS to break through Spark's bottleneck of training high-dimensional models. In the new version of sona, we have done a lot of work to make the combination of feature engineering and model training better. We reconstruct LINE(LINE V2) and K-Core in this version and the performance and stability have been greatly improved.

serving: Angel's model serving platform, which is able to provide serving for not only models generated from Angel, Spark On Angel and PyTorch On Angel, but also those from other platforms, such as Spark, XGBoost, etc.

automl: A generic automatic machine learning component that includes automatic tuning and automatic feature engineering.

mlcore: Angel's independently developed lightweight computing graph framework. Users can easily implement new algorithms on it.

math2: Angel's independently developed high-performance math library, which involves a lot of performance optimization for large sparse vectors.

format: Angel's model format interface definition. Angel uses an open model format, enabling users to customize the needed format by implementing the model format interface.

New features


4 years ago

Angel 2.3.0 Release

Starting with version 2.3, angel will maintain two separate version series: 2.X and 3.X. We have added the hotfix-2, master-2 and develop-2 branches for release and dimension 2.X series versions.

In this version, we enhance the PS function and added the ability to store complex data objects. Based on this function, we upgraded the original graph algorithm capabilities, and added graph data structures and operation interfaces.

We have refactored K-Core again, and the performance and stability of the refactored version have been significantly improved. We have added an implementation version of LINE algorithm LINE V2, in the case where the node coding dimension is not very high(< 512). LINE V2 version performance is significantly improved compared to the original version, and it is more stable.

This release adds a new module: angel-ps-graph, which contains the definition and operation interface of the graph data structure. Based on this module, we implemented GCN and GraphSage on the Pytorch On Angel platform.


5 years ago

Angel 2.2.0 Release

In this Release, we have enhanced the graph algorithms: (1) we made a refactoring of the existing K-Core algorithm, the performance and stability have been significantly improved; (2) we add louvain algorithm, which is also based on Spark On Angel. The test results show that the K-Core and Louvain based on Spark On Angel are 1~2 orders of magnitude faster than the original version of Spark. In this release we official release the Vero, the new GBDT implement based on the Spark On Angel, which has obvious advantages in supporting high dimensional models and multi-classification problems. We also add kerberos support in this release.

  • New features

    • [ISSUE-677]Add Fast Unfolding in Spark On Angel
    • [ISSUE-696] support predict for FTRL in Spark On Angel
    • [ISSUE-714] support predict for Ftrl-FM in Spark on Angel
    • [ISSUE-709] multi-tree for multi-class classification for Spark On Angel GBDT
    • [ISSUE-712] Support regression task using Spark On Angel GBDT
    • [ISSUE-695] Add a new data split format: BalanceInputFormatV2
    • [ISSUE-704] Add kerberos support
  • BugFix

    • [ISSUE-747] Local load model failed if move the model: close the crc check
    • [ISSUE-746] PS exit sometime for spark on angel
    • [ISSUE-721] the index get rpc maybe blocked if some parameters invalid
    • [ISSUE-720] rename result to final output path failed if parent path does not exist
    • [ISSUE-691] BalanceInputFormat getSplits return some empty splits sometimes
    • [ISSUE-755] Save algorithm configuration json file for the algorithms based on computing graph
    • [ISSUE-760] Add worker resource request timeout for Angel


5 years ago


This version adds a more intelligent model partitioning method "LoadBalancePartitioner" In Spark On Angel. By analyzing the distribution of features in the training data in advance, the number of features of each partition can be precisely controlled. This makes the PS load more balanced. The actual tests show that the efficiency of model training can be greatly improved in many cases. This version adds three new algorithms in Spark On Angel: FM algorithm based on FTRL optimizer, K- Core algorithm and feature-parallel GBDT algorithm that can support larger models.


5 years ago

该版本对Spark On Angel FTRL算法做了进一步的优化,添加了对float模型格式的支持,同时优化了模型划分分区数设置,一个合理的模型分区数对提升计算性能是非常有益的;在系统层,添加了PR RPC最大重试次数限制, 避免任务在某些不可恢复异常下一直卡住。这个版本也加入了一些数学库的优化。

  • [ISSUE-655] 优化Spark On Angel FTRL 模型分区数配置,避免在高维度模型场景下模型分区数太多导致的pull/push性能低下的问题

  • [ISSUE-656] 在Spark On Angel FTRL中添加float模型数据格式

  • [ISSUE-658] 优化数学库:当用户配置了sparse vector的最大元素个数时,关闭掉预 rehash

  • [ISSUE-632] 给PS RPC添加最大重试次数限制


5 years ago


这个版本针对Spark On Angel FTRL算法做了进一步的优化,提升了在高维度模型条件下的训练和模型保存的性能,并增加了增量训练的功能。与Angel版本的FTRL相比,Spark On Angel的FTRL有一些针对性的优化,性能更好并且调参门槛更低,推荐使用。



  • [ISSUE-585] 添加如何使用OpenBlas进行矩阵运算加速的文档

  • [ISSUE-569] 优化Spark On Angel FTRL计算和模型保存性能

  • [ISSUE-613] 增加Spark On Angel FTRL 增量训练功能

  • [ISSUE-611] 添加几个能使用L1正则化的优化器:AdaGrad/AdaDelta

  • [ISSUE-612] 添加目前主流的几种Decay 算法,优化默认参数避免decay太快

  • [ISSUE-615] 修复network embedding中subsample带来的节点个数不一致的问题

  • [ISSUE-616] 修复量化压缩PSF中的向量casting问题


5 years ago



  • Angel Core

    • [ISSUE-418]对PS端Matrix存储方式进行了优化,当模型格式配置为稀疏时,可根据稀疏度选择稠密和稀疏存储方式
    • [ISSUE-534] ColumnRangePartitioner支持负的index下标
    • [ISSUE-490] MatrixClient添加initAndGet接口,优化稀疏格式模型的初始化过程
    • [ISSUE-515] 修复多task调用MatrixClient接口会卡住的问题
    • [ISSUE-475] 修复Nrm2函数计算错误问题
  • MLlib

    • [ISSUE-524] 重构FTRL,大幅提升计算性能
    • [ISSUE-489] 重构word2vec