Alexa Apis For Python Versions Save

The Alexa APIs for Python consists of python classes that represent the request and response JSON of Alexa services. These models act as core dependency for the Alexa Skills Kit Python SDK (


4 years ago

This release contains the following changes :


4 years ago

This release contains the following changes :

  • Alexa Presentation Language HTML Interface support. Apply for preview request here.
  • Update service client methods to return an ApiResponse instance, in case a full response is required instead of just the response body.
  • mypy fix for AuthenticationConfiguration class.


4 years ago

This release contains the following changes :

  • Models for APL visual context.


4 years ago

This release contains the following changes:


4 years ago

This release contains the following changes :


4 years ago

This release contains the following changes :


4 years ago

This release contains the following changes :


4 years ago

This release contains the following changes :

  • Models for Custom interfaces. The custom interfaces feature enables Alexa Skill Developers to implement interactions between skills and gadgets using developer-defined directives and events.

  • Added BillingAgreementType and SubscriptionAmount in BillingAgreementAttributes. This change is mandatory for skills in EU, and optional for NA and JP. With this upgrade, skill developers in EU can enjoy full benefits of the Amazon Pay solution that supports PSD2.


4 years ago

This release contains the following changes :

  • Models for Skill Connections. With the Skill Connections feature, you can enable an Alexa skill to fulfill a customer request that it can't otherwise handle by forwarding the request to another skill for fulfillment.


4 years ago

This release contains the following changes :

  • Added APL commands AnimateItemCommand, OpenUrlCommand, SetFocusCommand, ClearFocusCommand.
  • Added finally and catch attributes in SequentialCommand.
  • Provide APL expression language in some APL commands, alongside their primitive types (eg: delay in all commands).
  • Added ENDPOINT_TIMEOUT enumeration in SessionEndedReason.