Aks Periscope Versions Save

aks-periscope aims to detect various kubernetes cluster problems


4 years ago

Collect once and output to Azure Blob in a time stamped directory.

Feature Set:

Collects the following metrics:

  1. Container logs (by default in the kube-system namespace)
  2. Docker and Kubelet system service logs
  3. Network outbound connectivity, include checks for internet, API server, Tunnel, ACR and MCR.
  4. Node IP tables
  5. Node Provision logs
  6. Node and Kubernetes level DNS settings
  7. Describe Kubernetes pods and services (by default in the kube-system namespace)
  8. Kubelet command arguments.

Generates the following diagnostics:

  1. Network outbound connectivity, reports the down period for a specific connection.
  2. DNS, check if customized DNS is used.