Adminer Versions Save

Database management in a single PHP file


5 years ago

Display the tables scrollbar (bug #647) Remember visible columns in Create Table form (bug #493) Add autocomplete attributes to login form PHP <5.4 compatibility even with ClickHouse enabled (regression from 4.7.0) SQLite: Hide server field in login form Editor: Allow disabling boolean fields in PostgreSQL (bug #640)


5 years ago

Simplify storing executed SQL queries to bookmarks Warn when using password with leading or trailing spaces Hide import from server if importServerPath() returns an empty string Fix inline editing of empty cells (regression from 4.6.3) Allow adding more than two indexes and forign key columns at a time (regression from 4.4.0) Avoid overwriting existing tables when copying tables (bug #642) Fix function change with set data type Increase username maxlength to 80 (bug #623) Make maxlength in all fields a soft limit Make tables horizontally scrollable MySQL: Support foreign keys created with ANSI quotes (bug #620) MySQL: Recognize ON UPDATE current_timestamp() (bug #632, bug #638) MySQL: Descending indexes in MySQL 8 (bug #643) PostgreSQL: Quote array values in export (bug #621) PostgreSQL: Export DESC indexes (bug #639) PostgreSQL: Support GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY in PostgreSQL 10 MS SQL: Pass database when connecting ClickHouse: Connect, databases list, tables list, select, SQL command Georgian translation


5 years ago

Disallow using password-less databases Copy triggers when copying table Stop session before connecting Simplify running slow queries Decrease timeout for running slow queries from 5 seconds to 2 seconds Fix displaying info about non-alphabetical objects (bug #599) Use secure cookies on HTTP if session.cookie_secure is set PDO: Support binary fields download MySQL: Disallow LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE MySQL: Use CONVERT() only when searching for non-ASCII (bug #603) MySQL: Order database names in MySQL 8 (bug #613) PostgreSQL: Fix editing data in views (bug #605, regression from 4.6.0) PostgreSQL: Do not cast date/time/number/uuid searches to text (bug #608) PostgreSQL: Export false as 0 in PDO (bug #619) MS SQL: Support port with sqlsrv Editor: Do not check boolean checkboxes with false in PostgreSQL (bug #607)


6 years ago

Semi-transparent border on table actions Shorten JSON values in select (bug #594) Speed up alter table (regression from 4.4.0) Store current version without authentication and in Editor PostgreSQL: Fix exporting string default values PostgreSQL: Fix exporting sequences in PostgreSQL 10 PostgreSQL: Add IF EXISTS to DROP SEQUENCE in export (bug #595) Editor: Fix displaying of true boolean values (regression from 4.5.0)


6 years ago

Sticky position of table actions Speed up rendering of long tables (regression from 4.4.0) Display notification about performing action after relogin Add system tables help links MySQL: Support non-utf8 charset in search in column MySQL: Support geometry in MySQL 8 (bug #574) MariaDB: Links to documentation SQLite: Allow deleting PRIMARY KEY from tables with auto increment PostgreSQL: Support binary files in bytea fields PostgreSQL: Don't treat interval type as number (bug #474) PostgreSQL: Cast to string when searching using LIKE (bug #325) PostgreSQL: Fix condition for selecting no rows PostgreSQL: Support TRUNCATE+INSERT export Customization: Support connecting to MySQL via SSL Customization: Allow specifying server name displayed in breadcrumbs


6 years ago

Fix counting selected rows after going back to select page PHP <5.3 compatibility even with Elasticsearch enabled Fully support functions in default values Stop redirecting links via Support X-Forwarded-Prefix Display options for timestamp columns when creating a new table Disable autocompleting password on create user page Use primary key to edit rows even if not selected MySQL, PostgreSQL: Display warnings MySQL: Add floor and ceil select functions MySQL: Add FIND_IN_SET search operator MariaDB: Support JSON since MariaDB 10.2 SQLite, PostgreSQL: Limit rows in data manipulation without unique key PostgreSQL: Support routines PostgreSQL: Allow editing views with uppercase letters (bug #467) PostgreSQL: Allow now() as default value (bug #525) SimpleDB: Document that allow_url_fopen is required Malay translation


6 years ago

Display name of the object in confirmation when dropping it Display newlines in column comments (bug #573) Support current_timestamp() as default of time fields (bug #572) Hide window.opener from pages opened in a new window (bug #561) Display error when getting row to edit Store current Adminer version server-side to avoid excessive requests Adminer: Fix Search data in tables (regression from 4.4.0) CSP: Allow any styles, images, media and fonts, disallow base-uri MySQL: Support geometry in MySQL 8 (bug #574) MySQL: Support routines with comments in parameters (bug #460) MariaDB: Support fulltext and spatial indexes in InnoDB (bug #583) SQLite: Enable foreign key checks PostgreSQL: Respect NULL default value PostgreSQL: Display foreign tables (bug #576) PostgreSQL: Do not export triggers if not requested PostgreSQL: Export DROP SEQUENCE if dropping table PostgreSQL: Display boolean values as code (bug #562) MS SQL: Support freetds non-MySQL: Avoid CONVERT() (bug #509) Elasticsearch: Insert, update, delete MongoDB: Support mongodb PHP extension Editor: Fix displaying of false values in PostgreSQL (bug #568)


6 years ago

Add Content Security Policy Disallow scripts without nonce Rate limit password-less login attempts from the same IP address Disallow connecting to privileged ports Add nosniff header PHP 7.1: Prevent warning when using empty limit PHP 7.2: Prevent warning when searching in select MySQL: Remove dedicated view for replication status (added in 4.3.0) PostgreSQL: Sort table names (regression from 4.3.1) Editor: Don't set time zone from PHP, fixes DST Editor: Display field comment's text inside [] only in edit form Editor: Fix doubleclick on database page Editor: Fix Search data in tables Customization: Always send security headers Hebrew translation


7 years ago

Fix permanent login after logout (bug #539) Fix SQL command autofocus (regression from 4.0.0) PostgreSQL: Support JSON and JSONB data types PostgreSQL: Fix index size computation in PostgreSQL < 9.0 (regression from 4.3.0) PostgreSQL: Fix nullable fields in export


7 years ago

Make maxlength in edit fields a soft limit Add accessibility labels Add Cache-Control: immutable to static files MySQL: Support MySQL 8 MySQL: Support JSON data type MySQL: Add dedicated view for replication status MySQL: Support spatial indexes PostgreSQL: Export PostgreSQL: Don't treat partial indexes as unique MS SQL: Support pdo_dblib Elasticsearch: Support HTTPS by inputting https://server