ActiveDesktopPlus Versions Save

A simple app that lets you pin windows to your desktop and use fullscreen programs and videos as interactive wallpapers.


3 years ago

Changes of note

  • There is now a save button on the Current Apps tab. This will automatically copy the selected windows' properties including its size, file path, and position to the "Add to startup" menu so you can quickly design and save your config by laying out real apps as opposed to typing in values manually and testing them.

  • A close button has been added which allows you to quickly close any chosen app that is a child of the desktop. This is especially useful when you accidentally lose an app beyond screen borders and don't want to dig through Task Manager for it.

  • Locking apps has been massively upgraded. You can now lock on a per-app basis, and they won't get stuck between other apps. You can then remove the lock by finding the "LockWindow for locked app name", selecting it and closing it with the aforementioned button as you would any other app. Alternatively you can click on the locked window and just press Alt+F4 to unlock it.

Bug fixes

  • Locking apps is no longer useless
  • X, Y, Width and Length should now work reliably when adding a startup app
  • Crashes when attempting to autostart an app that doesn't declare a main window don't happen anymore (but the app still won't work, might fix later)


  • Occasional weird issue moving windows with multiple monitors where one of the monitors has a normal fullscreen window and the other has a fullscreen window as a child of the desktop however I have no idea how to reproduce it, potentially something to do with DWM not liking TTB and ADP at once
  • Very infrequent flickers on occasion when using certain apps maximised directly over the desktop.
  • Sylly hasn't been credited enough in the comments.
  • The UI is awful.
  • The config file is awful.


3 years ago

Your configuration of apps can now be locked and unlocked from the Current Apps tab.

This feature is experimental and draws a near-invisible window over each of your pinned apps. As these windows are not sent to the desktop they may occasionally end up above active applications, blocking interaction. If this happens, you can use <Kbd>Alt</Kbd>+<Kbd>↹</Kbd> to access the application and it shouldn't bother you again, or if for some reason you can't access anything properly, <Kbd>Alt</Kbd>+<Kbd>F4</Kbd> or closing ADP will get rid of the lock. To avoid this problem in the first place, make sure any normal application is not obscuring the current apps on the desktop (pressing <Kbd>Win</Kbd>+<Kbd>M</Kbd> to minimise all apps before locking works well to ensure this).

I will aim to get these issues fixed in a future release alongside saving app positions and sizes.


3 years ago

R3 brings the ability to save apps to start on-launch, as well as a new icon. I'm lazy and it's 3AM as I write this, however the readme has been updated with instructions on how to use the new options. If there are any bugs, sorry :c (I did actually try to test it a little bit this time though so you can't blame me for that)


4 years ago

ok now it works properly and wont eat CPU


4 years ago

So I think I fixed the weird issue where it sometimes doesnt run but absolutely no idea if it actually fixes anything please do tell me i beg you


4 years ago

R2.1 just adds compatibility down to at least 1709 (not that you should be using anything even as old as that smh). Other than that, it's identical to R2.

Welp, this version introduces weird race conditions and won't always work on every build. Use R2 instead. I'll get a patch out to fix this soon I suppose.


4 years ago

Uhh I technically probably fixed some bugs but there's now more than 7 lines of code so there are probably a million more bugs that need to be fixed, either way R2 brings three new things:

  • A list of all windows currently on the desktop
  • The ability to pin and unpin apps.
    • A pinned app has no borders, can't be dragged around and can't be resized.
  • As mentioned previously, more bugs.


4 years ago

First release of ActiveDesktopPlus

Right now this release basically functions as a utility to make windows a child of the desktop, however Soon™ it will be able to:

  • Remember the locations of apps sent to the desktop between sessions
  • Hide the titlebars/borders
  • Minimize/maximise/close all apps at once
  • Prevent desktop-pinned apps from being interactable/moveable
  • Probably some more stuff I can't think of right now

But until then, it's just a button, some text and the B key. Have fun I suppose.