Active Workflow Versions Save

Polyglot workflows without leaving the comfort of your technology stack.


3 years ago

You can now try ActiveWorkflow without any external dependencies. Just run:

docker run -p 3000:3000 automaticmode/active_workflow

And login at http://localhost:3000 with admin/password.

If you want to make all the data persistent, you should use docker volume like this:

docker run -p 3000:3000 -v aw-data:/var/lib/postgresql/11/main automaticmode/active_workflow

ActiveWorkflow image now has postgres database server included and can run all processes in one container.

For production use it is still recommended to use external database and multiple containers to run web, scheduler and worker respectively.


3 years ago

This release brings along numerous updates to the UI - better styling, improved visual consistency, and a brand new logo.

The 'Working' column was replaced by the 'Issues' column in the Agents table. Now you get an explanation about what issues an agent has.

Last but not least, as with every release, there are multiple other small fixes and improvements. 🎸


3 years ago

Starting with this release we are publishing official docker images for ActiveWorkflow to the docker hub. Now you can start using ActiveWorkflow without ever touching the source code repository (unless you want to).

Default docker-compose configuration and Heroku single-button-deployment both also use prebuilt docker image to save you time. Of course, you can still build your own image from the source code.

#9 is finally(?) fixed, though single-dyno mode is now only intended to be used as a "demo/starting point" configuration for Heroku that does work on a Free dyno.


3 years ago

This bugfix release fixes broken docker-compose syntax and correctly initializes the database when running in multiple container formation.


3 years ago

This release was made as a temporary solution to issue #9. Single dyno mode is broken and the default docker-compose configuration was changed to use multiple containers instead.


3 years ago

Version 0.9.9 is mostly about architectural changes without touching user-facing functionality (much). The agent runner/scheduler was decoupled from agents and is now an independent component. This will allow for much-needed improvements in the future.

Both production and "demo" deployments to Heroku can now be done using the same single click button: Deploy

(Set SINGLE_DYNO environment variable to 1 for demo, leave empty for production with multiple dynos).

Some small issues were fixed.

BREAKING: Removed Wunderlist Agent (service shut down). BREAKING: Removed Scheduler Agent (to be replaced by core functionality).

Nearing onto 1.x!


4 years ago

Version 0.9.8 is a routine maintenance release. Multiple dependencies were updated. The backbone of the project, the Rails framework was upgraded to version 6.x. Some clean up tasks.

Feature-full release coming soon!


4 years ago

Features and improvements

  • The semantics of message delivery got improved: agents now process a single message at a time, thus matching transactional boundaries.

  • BREAKING: CSV Agent in 'serialize' mode handles only a single message at a time and can't aggregate multiple 'row' messages into a single CSV. Old behavior wasn't exactly deterministic, a suggested way would be to use Digest Agent to aggregate messages and then serialize them with CSV Agent.


  • Update nokogiri (CVE-2020-7595).
  • Update rack (CVE-2019-16782).
  • Update puma (CVE-2019-16770).
  • Fix regression for 'Delete Messages' button.


4 years ago

Features and improvements

  • Added support for remote agents. Custom agents can now be written in any programming language and use any technology stack. Even if you prefer Ruby, you will have much more flexibility by running your agents in separate processes/containers - no more dependency conflicts or extensive resource usage in the web part of ActiveWorkflow.

  • From now on all agent types use the same logic to determine if an agent is working.


  • Updated loofah (CVE-2019-15587).


4 years ago

Features and improvements

  • Add live updates to the table and diagram of agents.


  • (Fix #1 ) ActiveWorkflow can now be started with docker-compose up without pre-built image.


  • Start using upstream version of delayed_job_active_record gem (were using fork before).