Actions Runner Controller Versions Save

Kubernetes controller for GitHub Actions self-hosted runners


1 year ago

This patch version bump for ARC v0.27.x is intended to fix #2490 via #2499. If you've previously upgraded to v0.27.2 and then reverted back to v0.27.0 or v0.27.1 due to that, please read the description of #2499 and confirm you have absolutely been affected, try this version, and see if it actually fixes the issue!

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1 year ago

A Kubernetes controller that operates self-hosted runners for GitHub Actions on your Kubernetes cluster.


1 year ago


⚠️ Warning

This release contains a major change related to the way permissions are applied to the manager (#2276 and #2363).

Please evaluate these changes carefully before upgrading.

Major changes

  1. Surface EphemeralRunnerSet stats to AutoscalingRunnerSet #2382
  2. Improved security posture by removing list/watch secrets permission from manager cluster role #2276
  3. Improved security posture by delaying role/rolebinding creation to gha-runner-scale-set during installation #2363
  4. Improved security posture by supporting watching a single namespace from the controller #2374
  5. Added labels to AutoscalingRunnerSet subresources to allow easier inspection #2391
  6. Fixed bug preventing env variables from being specified #2450
  7. Enhance quickstart troubleshooting guides #2435
  8. Fixed ignore extra dind container when container mode type is "dind" #2418
  9. Added additional cleanup finalizers #2433
  10. gha-runner-scale-set listener pod inherits the ImagePullPolicy from the manager pod #2477
  11. Treat domain as hosted environment #2480


1 year ago

This version contains fix #2459 for a bug in actions-metrics-server(#2424). Anyone using the actions-metrics-server added in v0.27.0 should upgrade to this version. Have a great weekend!

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1 year ago

A Kubernetes controller that operates self-hosted runners for GitHub Actions on your Kubernetes cluster.


1 year ago

Hi! This is a patch version bump for v0.27.0.

I (@mumoshu) presumed v0.27.0 to be the final version of ARC v0.x made by the previous maintainer team. However, we eventually realized that some improvements could be made, mainly for the actions-metrics-server introduced in v0.27.0 and the reliability of webhook-based autoscaling. So here it is.

Please see below pull requests for more details:

Kudos to the awesome ARC community for submitting valuable feedback and fixes!

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1 year ago


Major changes

  1. Runner pods are more similar to hosted runners #2348
  2. Add support for self-signed CA certificates #2268
  3. Fixed trailing slashes in config URLs breaking installations #2381
  4. Fixed a bug where the listener pod would ignore proxy settings from env #2366
  5. Added runner set name field making it optionally configurable #2279
  6. Name and namespace labels of listener pod have been split #2341
  7. Added chart name constraints validation on AutoscalingRunnerSet install #2347


1 year ago


Major changes

  1. Added proxy support for the controller and the runner pods, see the new helm chart fields #2286
  2. Added the abiilty to provide a pre-defined kubernetes secret for the auto scaling runner set helm chart #2234
  3. Enhanced security posture by removing un-required permissions for the manager-role #2260
  4. Enhanced our logging by returning an error when a runner group is defined in the values file but it's not created in GitHub #2215
  5. Fixed helm charts issues that were preventing the use of DinD #2291
  6. Fixed a bug that was preventing runner scale from being removed from the backend when they were deleted from the cluster #2255 #2223
  7. Fixed bugs with the helm chart definitions preventing certain values from being set #2222
  8. Fixed a bug that prevented the configuration of a runner group for a runner scale set #2216


1 year ago

A Kubernetes controller that operates self-hosted runners for GitHub Actions on your Kubernetes cluster.


1 year ago

This release features several reliability and observability enhancements across the controller and the runner, along with new Ubuntu 22.04-based runner images.

The release note covers all the details, and you should definitely read it before upgrading! Find it at

Lastly, there are also a lot of enhancements, improvements, fixes, and so on for the documentation and the chart. Thank you to everyone who contributed!

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