Vapor Versions Save

💧 A server-side Swift HTTP web framework.


2 weeks ago

What's Changed

Fix typos across the codebase by @mrs1669 in #3162

Fixes a number of typos in the codebase.

⚠️ the logger for loading environment files now has the correctly spelt label - dot-env-logger if you need to search for that

New Contributor

  • @mrs1669 made their first contribution in #3162 🎉


Thanks to the reviewers for their help:

  • @dimitribouniol
This patch was released by @0xTim

Full Changelog:


1 month ago

What's Changed

Fix some Sendable warnings on 5.10 by @sidepelican in #3158

Fix a number of warnings in Swift 5.10 like below.

Fix simple issues that can be addressed by simply adding Sendable.

New Contributor

  • @sidepelican made their first contribution in #3158 🎉
This patch was released by @0xTim

Full Changelog:


2 months ago

What's Changed

Allow HTTPServer's configuration to be dynamically updatable by @dimitribouniol in #3132

This allows many aspects of the HTTP server configuration to be changed after the server starts without needing to stop and restart it, or drop existing connections in the process.

Some things that can now be re-configured include request/response configuration options, HTTP version support, HTTP pipelining, TLS configuration (ie. enabling/disabling, rotating certificates, etc…), server name, metrics reporting, the logger, and the shutdown timer.

Fixes #3130.

New Contributor

  • @dimitribouniol made their first contribution in #3132 🎉
This patch was released by @0xTim

Full Changelog:


2 months ago

What's Changed

Fix issue when client disconnects midway through a stream by @0xTim in #3102

Fixes an issue when a client disconnects mid way through streaming a request in a Swift concurrency context. In certain cases this would trigger a de-init off the event loop, leading to a crash.

This fixes the issue by using a lock instead of a loop bound wrapper


Thanks to the reviewers for their help:

  • @MahdiBM
This patch was released by @0xTim

Full Changelog:


2 months ago

What's Changed

Fix handling of "flag" URL query params by @gwynne in #3151

Flag query parameters (e.g. /foo?bar&baz) were broken by 4.75.0, and apparently no one noticed for quite awhile. They now work again. Many thanks to @daveanderson for reporting this!

Fixes #3150.

This patch was released by @gwynne

Full Changelog:


3 months ago

What's Changed

Fix URI handling with multiple slashes and variable components. by @gwynne in #3143

Resolves some more subtle remaining issues in how URI is handled with respect to HTTP requests.

Fixes #3142.

This patch was released by @gwynne

Full Changelog:


3 months ago

What's Changed

Fix broken URI behaviors by @gwynne in #3140

Numerous issues have arisen with the changes made to URI as a result of the fix for This update fixes all known issues and restores several changed URI behaviors (although, quite deliberately, not all of them), including new tests. Fixes #3133, #3135, #3137, and #3138.

Also addresses Sendable warnings in ContentEncoder, ContentDecoder, ContentContainer, PlaintextDecoder, PlaintextEncoder, URLQueryDecoder, URLQueryEncoder, URLQueryContainer, URLEncodedFormDecoder, and URLEncodedFormEncoder.

Shoutout to @weissi, @grahamburgsma, and @finestructure for their help tracking down the various problems, thank you all!


Thanks to the reviewers for their help:

  • @MahdiBM
This patch was released by @gwynne

Full Changelog:


3 months ago

What's Changed

Update routing-kit version by @marius-se in #3131

Update routing-kit version to get Equatable conformance for PathComponents

Related to and

New Contributor

  • @marius-se made their first contribution in #3131 🎉
This patch was released by @gwynne

Full Changelog:


3 months ago

What's Changed

Use singleton EventLoopGroup by @MahdiBM in #3128

Use the new singleton EventLoopGroup for more convenient and sometimes more performant APIs.


Thanks to the reviewers for their help:

  • @dimitribouniol
This patch was released by @MahdiBM

Full Changelog:


3 months ago

⚠️ Security Update ⚠️

This release fixes a long standing issue in Vapor's URI parsing if users attempt to parse untrusted input that could lead to potential host spoofing. This was caused by using a C implementation with a uint16_t index with no bounds checking. For more details see the security advisory GHSA-qvxg-wjxc-r4gg.

This vulnerability has been designated as CVE-2024-21631. Thank you to baarde for reporting!