Tsparticles Versions Save

tsParticles - Easily create highly customizable JavaScript particles effects, confetti explosions and fireworks animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available for React.js, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Inferno, Solid, Riot and Web Components.


4 months ago

tsParticles 3.0.2 Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed trails config
  • Fixed flat output in @tsparticles/confetti
  • Improved sounds plugin
  • Fixed position in emitters after respawn

New Features

  • Added new EventType particleDestroyed
  • Replaced text shape with emoji shape in @tsparticles/confetti
  • Reworked @tsparticles/fireworks a bit for better output with the new v3 trails

tsParticles 3.0.1 Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug when using particles groups


4 months ago

tsParticles 3.0.0 Changelog


  • Removed all tsParticles load methods to keep only a single one using a single object parameter
  • Removed support for shape deprecated properties like shape.image, shape.polygon, shape.stroke
    • the stroke property can be found in the particles section, not in the shape object
    • the image and polygon properties, like any other shape, are part of the shape.options object
  • Stroke now is a single object only like all the other particles properties
  • Removed multiline text shape, the text shape now supports that
  • Simplified some functions, using objects or removing unused overloads, this is breaking for v2 shapes
  • Moved some properties to private since they were public by mistake (this shouldn't affect many, the properties were mainly used in the engine)
  • Removed obsolete random properties in options objects
  • Removed emitters shapes from the plugin files, every emitters shape now has a dedicated package

Major Changes

New Features

  • Added event on config added to the engine
  • Added flat options to tsparticles-confetti options
  • Creating support for effects, like bubble that wasn't a real shape
  • Added linear easing
  • Created new emitters shapes: Canvas, Path and Polygon
  • Created trail effect plugin, this one is a real trail drawn in the canvas, it works also in transparent backgrounds. It requires more resources since it's drawn calculating last N positions and not redrawing a semi-transparent canvas on itself, supports also fade.
  • Added pop click interaction
  • Added limit mode (breaking changes on limit options)
  • Added possibility to replace color and opacity for emitters shapes
  • Added more options for customizing noises values (only Simplex and Perlin paths)
  • Added curl noise path plugin
  • Created Simplex and Perlin noise packages from their path plugins, they can be used in multiple packages without duplication (Curl Noise path for example)
  • Added new emoji shape, better performance than text shape
  • Added clear flag to the root object, enabled by default, if disabled, the canvas won't be cleared

Bug Fixes

  • Improved resize event and density formula

[email protected]

1 year ago

tsParticles 2.8.0

New Features

  • Reworked move.trail options, created an object with color and image, closes #4882

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed polygon mask position issues
  • Fixed polygon mask scaling issues

[email protected]

1 year ago

tsParticles 2.5.1 Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with ES modules, closes #4799

[email protected]

1 year ago

tsParticles 2.4.0 Changelog

New Features

  • Added reset method to updaters, this method will be called after a particle loses a life.
  • Created the motion plugin for handling motion sickness, I moved this feature from the engine to a plugin since I prefer to have it more customizable. Everyone now can create their own motion sickness plugin, instead of having a standard behavior for everyone
  • Added mutation observer to avoid style changes to the canvas when the fullScreen option is enabled (default behavior)
  • Moved all easing functions to plugin packages, slim now depends on easing-quad since it's the default value used in repulse and attract
  • Added support for multiline text in canvas mask text options, separator and spacing are customizable values
  • Added aria-hidden="true" to canvas element, fixes #4785
  • Removed all canvas context save/restore calls, this should be a huge improvement to general performances
  • Added the particles pool for reusing destroyed particles, every tsParticles instance will have its own pool
  • Changed collision absorb code, added absorb.speed option to collisions section
  • Added delay to root options, fixes #4766

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed infection plugin
  • Fixed issue with polygon mask when particles bounce on the polygon edges
  • Fixed issue with rgb(), hsl() and hsv() values in color option values

Other Changes

  • Refactored plugins to avoid passing options in init functions since it's no more necessary
  • Removed initAsync function from plugins, standard init is now async for all plugins
  • Removed polygon mask plugin from the tsparticles package, this is a breaking change only for those that are using it. Since it's a heavy plugin and not so much used, I have preferred removing it from the tsparticles package.
  • Changed tsconfig target from es6 to es2019 (less transpilation to a reasonable target). The compatibility is still very high, reducing the bundle size.

[email protected]

1 year ago

tsParticles 2.3.1 Changelog

New Features

  • Added bounds to particles.destroy options, if the particle is outside one of the bounds the particle will be destroyed
  • Added smooth to the options, it uses the fpsLimit field as a reference value trying to create a smoother animation on the provided fps value.
  • Added canvasMask plugin, it uses a canvas, an image or a text for positioning particles in the canvas, closes #4492

Other Changes

  • Moved out all the external interactors from the engine
  • Removed support for very old browsers that don't support requestAnimationFrame

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed editor, using the v2 of Object GUI
  • Fixed issue with stroke options loading

A note on the new smooth option

With the new smooth option enabled the animation will be affected by the fps on the user's PC, so be careful. Higher fps, higher speed, lower fps, lower speed ⚠️. Some examples: - with a fpsLimit of 60 the animation will be twice faster on 120 fps devices - with a fpsLimit of 120 the animation will be twice slower on 60 fps devices The animation will be always smooth, but the behavior could be affected by the user screen refresh rate. It's recommended to keep this disabled, be careful enabling this.

[email protected]

1 year ago

tsParticles v2.2.2 Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed double mouse events on mobile using pointer events, closes #4622

[email protected]

1 year ago

tsParticles 2.2.1 Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed editor for v2.2

Other Changes

  • Exposed options objects for interactions

tsParticles 2.2.0 Changelog

New Features

  • Container now can have more than one path generator, each particle will keep its own
  • Added new getRandom and setRandom functions for customizing all the random behaviors, it's recommended to use the getRandom function instead of Math.random when writing plugins, so the randomness can be customized as expected
  • Image Shape now supports multiple colors in SVG replace color, random value too, fixes #4532
  • Improved Fireworks preset, now more realistic
  • Improved snow preset, added a small wobble effect

Bug Fixes

  • Moved out more properties from the engine, making the engine lighter and plugins more autonomous.
  • Improving some functions, could improve performance a bit
  • Fixed some 404 links in readme files, thanks to @munyoudoum
  • Fixed responsive screen size calculation

Other Changes

  • EventDispatcher is now private on the engine, it won't be possible to access it without using the given methods
  • Changed some exports, exported types instead of the entire classes, since it wasn't intended to use them outside the library
  • Created a builder CLI for building many packages, this makes it easier to maintain the build process
  • Removed active from slow interactivity mode object, it was obsolete, small breaking change but the engine will be a bit smaller

[email protected]

1 year ago

tsParticles 2.1.4 Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with destroyed containers, fixes #4385, fixes #4413, fixes #4534
  • Fixed issue with opacity and svg color replaced images, fixes #4532

[email protected]

1 year ago

tsParticles 2.1.0

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed svelte typings, closes #4131
  • Moved some specific code to the relative project, removing it from the generic engine
  • Improving container destruction
  • Improved fireworks preset
  • Fixed connect links options
  • Fixed issue with non-generated canvas elements, closes #4228
  • Fixed class attributes on solid component
  • Fixed issue with destroyed containers kept alive by plugins, closes #4151

New Features

  • Added decay to all animations
  • Added interactivity options overrides in particles options, closes #4120
  • Added a new speed object for the wobble effect
  • Added range colors to all color fields
  • Added new multiple particles feature and improved particle destroy method

Other changes

  • Changed build from rollup-plugin-vue to vite, no breaking changes, only for vue3 projects
  • Moved some updaters related code from engine to the relative updater
  • Removed dynamic import of the pathseg polyfill, used the standard one in the polygon mask plugin