StreamusChromeExtension Versions Save

A YouTube video player as a Google Chrome extension


8 years ago

This release re-introduces split pane view as the default option for using Streamus. You can control whether you use SplitPane or FullPane layout through settings.


8 years ago

This is an incredibly large changing release to the UI of Streamus.

I have been discussing the future of Streamus with YouTube over the past several months. This update is the first step towards being fully compliant with their desires.

When I first began building Streamus I realized that I was in violation of portions of YouTube's Terms of Service. I wanted to talk with them and figure out how to best resolve my concerns, but I had no means of getting ahold of the right folks. So, I went into building Streamus with a certain mentality, "Build something cool enough to attract their attention. Then, figure out our differences or be happy that you made something cool enough to get shut down."

Fortunately, it appears as if Streamus is here to stay, albeit with some striking changes.

It's also worth noting that this update was incredibly rushed. I've been awake for about 35 hours in an attempt to get everything working by the end of June. So, I'm releasing this update earlier than desired. Rest assured that all bugs will be resolved and marked improvements are still to be had with the new interface. Thank you for understanding.


  • Streamus now displays YouTube video when the popup is open. This is a requirement set forth by YouTube and is not able to be removed nor hidden. It's worth noting that there no bandwidth consumption change and no performance penalty for showing this video. Streamus always loaded the video and it is now simply being presented to you.
  • Streamus is now the maximum size of a Chrome extension, 800px * 600px, in order to accommodate the video. This should not be a major negative impact unless you're using Chrome at 110% or 125% zoom. If you're impacted by this then please consider using Streamus in 'tab' mode as well as 'starring' the zoom bug here:
  • All songs which are licensed under Universal Media Group (UMG) are unable to be played currently. I have sent out some e-mails to try and get talks going. Please understand that this is not a bug in Streamus. It is a politics issue. UMG has blacklisted Streamus from allowing playback of its music inside of the Chrome extension. If you would like to show your support for Streamus, please tweet @UMG,
  • Streamus is now a single-pane rather than multi-pane. This will provide more space for common functionality. I know that the UX is still a little clunky on it right now. Please submit constructive criticism on how it can be improved and I will take it into consideration for the patches coming within the next few weeks.

There's a whole swathe of smaller changes, but that's the gist of it.

Please try to be optimistic about this release. This is a step towards Streamus becoming a 100% legitimate music player which will be around for many years to follow.




8 years ago

Mostly a bug fix release.

Rewrote the scrollbar plugin from scratch for performance. You shouldn't notice anything different.


8 years ago
  • Fixed major issue with Chrome v43's interpretation of 'flex box' causing UI layout issues. This warranted an emergency release.
  • A new 'more options' button appears on list items which provides the same options as right-clicking on the item.
  • Rewrote tooltips from scratch as to not use a slow third-party plugin. Efforts continue to make Streamus' UI open more quickly.
  • Added JSCS support for code quality enforcement.
  • Russian and Ukrainian locales added
  • Fixed Beatport content script; Streamus now works with again
  • Improved the logic behind the play/pause icon so that buffering won't cause the icon to flicker in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed an error where YouTube's API would indicate certain songs have a 0 second duration causing an imported playlist to only be partially imported.
  • Unified the logic surrounding showing menus.
  • Fixed minor UI issue in the Create Playlist dialog when importing a playlist via URL.
  • When validation fails in a dialog the first input which is in an invalid state will now be focused.
  • Scrollbars now update properly when resizing the window in 'tab mode'
  • More test cases introduced to improve stability of Streamus overall.


8 years ago

This is a follow-up to v0.173 for minor bug fixes.

  • Fixed an issue with saving songs into playlists.
  • Added an 'About Streamus' menu option with the current version and buttons to link to this changelog and the website.
  • Fixed misc. other bugs with hovering elements and minor cleanup.


8 years ago
  • All code for HTML injection into Beatport and YouTube has been re-written.
  • Adding multiple songs from YouTube inject code now works properly.
  • Beatport injection will now happen more reliably when navigating through pages.
  • Beatport lookup is now more reliable; 'Original Mix' is omitted from automatic search queries.
  • Beatport injection is now optional. You must opt-in to it through settings. This is an improvement over forcing additional permissions onto all users.
  • An 'add:completed' event has been implemented to improve performance during operations affecting a bulk number of items in a playlist and/or stream. You can now add 1K+ songs from a playlist into your stream without lag.
  • The 'next/previous' buttons will now update properly after drag-and-dropping items in your stream.
  • Streamus foreground will now open more quickly. Non-critical portions of the UI have had their loading deferred slightly in addition to performance improvements. Thanks to for teaching me a thing or two about debugging browser rendering performance.
  • Brazilian Portuguese translation now exists.
  • Playlists are now marked as active upon creation.
  • Backbone.Marionette has been updated to v2.4.1 and Streamus now leverages functionality provided via this update.
  • The logic for SlidingRender has been partially cleaned up along with some small performance improvements.
  • The logic for FlexBox has been fixed for Chrome v43.
  • Keyboard shortcut for opening Streamus in a new tab has been added.
  • Pressing the space bar with the UI open and focused will now toggle play/pause of the player.
  • ReadMe has received a face lift.
  • jshint/linting has been tightened down.
  • Some text elements such as active song title can now be highlighted and copied.
  • Clicking 'open in tab' while Streamus is already open in a tab which is not focused/visible will now cause a new instance of Streamus to open in the focused tab.
  • When hovering over a song which is playing the icon for 'play' will now properly show a 'pause' icon instead.
  • Opening 'background.html' in a new tab is now prevented and will no longer cause Streamus to stop working properly.
  • Streamus now forces the HTML5 player more aggressively as to prevent other extensions from forcing it to use Flash. The message for 'Flash detected' has been removed.


9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago