Stickyfill Versions Save

Polyfill for CSS `position: sticky`


5 years ago
  • You can now use Stickyfill.forceSticky() to force-enable the polyfill in the browsers that support position: sticky natively.
  • From now on, Stickyfill should play nice with server side rendering. Probably. I hope it does!

Thanks to @liuhelen10 for the contribution!


6 years ago

Fixed Chrome scrolling bug.


6 years ago

Turns out expecting to get window form this in any environment wasn’t the best idea. Some bundlers/module fetching tools don’t expect you would do such stupid thing.

Fixed now, thanks to @soluml!


6 years ago

Improved support for stickies with a direct shadowRoot parent 🕶


6 years ago

🦄 Completely rewritten 🦄

ES6 source, module definition, all that good stuff.

💩 Completely incompatible with older versions 💩

New API ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

👽 Should I update to this version? 👽

Nope. No reason to update. Keep the old version, it’s fine.

😵 Also now officially on NPM 😵

Took me 3 years. Because reasons.

npm install stickyfilljs --save or yarn add stickyfilljs.


8 years ago

Stickies with display: none are now ignored until the next rebuild (including window resize). This fixes layout problems with sticky elements hidden by media queries in particular (and maybe some other scenarios I didn't think of).


9 years ago
  • fix the issue with fast checks working incorrectly with negative deltas (better handling of layout changes during page loadup, etc.);
  • check if Stickyfill is already applied to the node when adding new sticky;
  • disable fast checks when the page is not visible (saves performance and battery capacity)


9 years ago
  • Fix viewport width calculation in IE 9 and 10
  • Fix zIndex issues (no forced zIndex anymore, resolves #3 and #6)
  • Disable support for table cell stickies :–(

Spec says table cells are not eligible for position: sticky. Safari supports table cell sticky positioning, but Firefox followed the spec and rolled out the support for sticky positioning recently. We now have a nasty situation where we just can't properly polyfill table cell sticky positioning without sniffing due to difference in realisations.

I decided to remove the support for table cell stickies to make the polyfill more consistent across the board. Sorry, lads, no sticky table headers for you.


9 years ago

Floated stickies are now properly supported (props to @dzucconi)


9 years ago
  • fix flickering in Chrome
  • change clone logic (clone blocks always visible → no layout reflow)