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VAE with RealNVP prior and Super-Resolution VAE in PyTorch. Code release for

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VAE and Super-Resolution VAE in PyTorch

Python 3.6 PyTorch 1.3 MIT

Code release for Super-Resolution Variational Auto-Encoders


The framework of Variational Auto-Encoders (VAEs) provides a principled manner of reasoning in latent-variable models using variational inference. However, the main drawback of this approach is blurriness of generated images. Some studies link this effect to the objective function, namely, the (negative) log-likelihood function. Here, we propose to enhance VAEs by adding a random variable that is a downscaled version of the original image and still use the log-likelihood function as the learning objective. Further, we provide the downscaled image as an input to the decoder and use it in a manner similar to the super-resolution. We present empirically that the proposed approach performs comparably to VAEs in terms of the negative log-likelihood function, but it obtains a better FID score.


  • Models

    • VAE
    • Super-resolution VAE (srVAE)
  • Priors

    • Standard (unimodal) Gaussian
    • Mixture of Gaussians
    • RealNVP
  • Reconstruction Loss

    • Discretized Mixture of Logistics Loss
  • Neural Networks

    • DenseNet
  • Datasets

    • CIFAR-10

Quantitative results

Model nll
VAE 3.51
srVAE 3.65

Results on CIFAR-10. The log-likelihood value nll was estimated using 500 weighted samples on the test set (10k images).

Qualitative results


Results from VAE with RealNVP Prior trained on CIFAR10.



Unconditional generations.

Super-Resolution VAE

Results from Super-Resolution VAE trained on CIFAR10.


Super-Resolution results of the srVAE on CIFAR-10

Unconditional generations. Left: The generations of the first step, the compressed representations that capture the _global_ structure. Right: The final result after enhasing the images with local content.


The code is compatible with:

  • python 3.6
  • pytorch 1.3


  • To run VAE with RealNVP prior on CIFAR-10, please execude:
python --model VAE --network densenet32 --prior RealNVP
  • Otherwise, to run srVAE:
python --model srVAE --network densenet16x32 --prior RealNVP


Please cite our paper if you use this code in your own work:

    title={Super-resolution Variational Auto-Encoders},
    author={Ioannis Gatopoulos and Maarten Stol and Jakub M. Tomczak},


This work was supported and funded from the University of Amsterdam, and BrainCreators B.V..

Repo Author

Ioannis Gatopoulos, 2020

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "SrVAE" Project. README Source: ioangatop/srVAE

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