Slashboard Desktop Versions Save

A simple and convenient dashboard to monitor the activity and performance of your home servers.


2 years ago

Getting started

Read the project readme


Any bugs encountered, or questions/suggestions about the setup process should be asked in the issues section.


  • make client compatible with pulsar v0.9.1's new security
  • add icons to the titlebar control buttons (see #2 )
  • improve robustness, the app will no longer crash when trying to connect to older versions of pulsar
  • make the delete button red instead of blue

Breaking changes

Warning : After upgrading to this version of the desktop-client, you won't be able to access your servers anymore, unless you update Pulsar too. This app is still in an early development stage. In order to avoid breaking your installation, always keep your client and your server updated to the latest stable version.

Supported OSes

✔️ Windows ✔️ Linux ❌ MacOS (working on it though)


2 years ago

Getting started

Read the project readme


Any bugs encountered, or questions/suggestions about the setup process should be asked in the issues section.


  • a bunch of bug fixes
  • revamp settings modal
  • change the color generation algorithm to make CPU core charts more visible

Supported OSes

✔️ Windows ✔️ Linux ❌ MacOS


2 years ago

Getting started

Read the project readme


Any bugs encountered, or questions/suggestions about the setup process should be asked in the issues section.


  • fix titlebar blur bug on modal open
  • fix regex disk filesystem filtering in dashboard
  • add spell checking to the server edit and add modals
  • minor ui tweaks

Supported OSes

✔️ Windows ✔️ Linux ❌ MacOS


2 years ago

Getting started

Read the project readme


Any bugs encountered, or questions/suggestions about the setup process should be asked in the issues section.

Supported OSes

✔️ Windows ✔️ Linux ❌ MacOS