Skyrim NX Toolkit Versions Save

A set of scripts to convert mods from Skyrim SE to Skyrim NX


4 years ago
  • Added multiprocessor support - turn on in settings.ini [Performance]->multiprocessing = True
  • resize textures using AdPDDS.exe, from Ordenador instead of texconv, which is now limited to changing format.
  • much more aggressive resizing of textures to remove ILS (Infinite Load Screens) on the switch hardware.
  • load_order can handle BSAs with a suffix > 9


4 years ago

Some more work done on the HKX64-bit conversion process.


5 years ago

There are a few minor cosmetic changes to converting a mod (it unpacks bsa files before copying loose files, meaning loose files will clobber duplicates from a bsa) The 'soundfile' module binaries should hopefully be included in this release. Added some batch files to test a release (although work could still be done, it would be ideal to run the test in a virtual environment).


5 years ago

Fixes some more sound "edge cases", and has more informative logging/warning when it's processing those edge cases.


5 years ago

This release contains some improvements to the sound conversion code, by Zappastuff. It no longer has dependency on original Sound Converter Tool (which we don't have the source code). It should also run faster, and be able to use more threads without instability. Default sound threads increased from 5 to 10. You can edit your settings.ini file for a custom version (has been successfully tested up to 50 threads)


5 years ago

Has clearer output messaging regarding Havok processing.


5 years ago

This contains a merge of Zappastuff's HKX scripts, which reduce (or remove) the need to have a side-by-side version of the Oldrim version of the hkx files in any mod you convert.

Credit for this change goes to him, I just merged it in and built the release.


5 years ago
  • fix a couple of simple errors in sound conversion
  • update load order to load animations bsas into memory
  • made bsa_rules output animations in a separate bsa


5 years ago

Thanks to some help from Zappastuff, and a new version of sound tool, we have FUZ conversion.


5 years ago

fixed a problem with hkx files in xml format being rejected for conversion