Skin Versions Save

Pure CSS framework designed & developed by eBay for a branded, e-commerce marketplace.


1 week ago

Minor Changes


1 month ago

Minor Changes

Patch Changes


1 month ago

Minor Changes


1 month ago

Minor Changes


2 months ago

Minor Changes


2 months ago

Patch Changes

A record of all notable changes are documented under releases.

Skin releases follow Semantic Versioning:

  1. MAJOR version when we make incompatible API changes,
  2. MINOR version when we add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner
  3. PATCH version when we make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

Please remember to always read the release notes in full before upgrading major versions!


2 months ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


3 months ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


3 months ago

Major version release

Breaking changes

Please be aware this version has breaking changes that will require you to update your application

  • Legacy theme and legacy tokens have been removed. Please update your application to use the latest themes Note if you need more time to migrate away from the legacy theme I recommend to pull in the old stylesheets in your application directly. These can be found in previous versions. (#2206)
  • Icon update. We have updated icons and removed some. Please see the following issues for more information about which icons were removed and which ones positioning were modified (#2053 #2167 #2166)
  • Infotip/Tooltip/Tourtip have added floating-ui support. This means that we require some base positioning on the non JS and static versions of these popups. We recommend to use floating-ui to achieve this, but if you want a simple tip, you will need to position it initially and also add pointer positional classes by default.
  • The following classes and tokens have been removed. Please update accordingly:. cta-btn--large-truncated, progress-stepper__items--current, @button-height-xsmall (xsmall size has replaced small size)

Major changes


Skeleton loaders have been finally added in our library. This new component should be used in very specific cases which is defined. Please look at those before implementing skeleton loaders to minimize layout shifts and other problems. Skeleton loaders documentation


We have added floating-ui support to all our tips. We still support the base usecase of using a tip without javascript positioning, but we recommend to use floating-ui to position your tips. Now when we open up a tooltip at the bottom of the page, or in a hidden overflow div, it should show up correctly! This was a long time coming and we are happy to have this change in this version. The hope is to add this to other places, such as combobox, listbox, etc so that those will "float" correctly. But this is a future task.

Chips combobox

We have added the final step in our chips journey! We spent a while on this issue but I think what we put out is a great quality code.

What's Changed

  • chore(icons): icon removals and deprecation updates by @ArtBlue in #2216
  • chore(icons): icon additions and modifications by @ArtBlue in #2221
  • fix(breadcrumbs): adjusted chevron spacing by @ArtBlue in #2224
  • fix(image-placeholder): dark mode color by @LuLaValva in #2218
  • fix(select,combobox): updated large variant font size token by @saiponnada in #2223
  • docs(skeletons): added more examples by @saiponnada in #2232
  • feat(avatar): a11y changes by @ianmcburnie in #2220 and #2226
  • feat(tooltip,tourtip,infotip): added popper support by @agliga in #2165
  • feat(skeleton-loader): new module by @saiponnada in #2177 and #2222
  • feat(chips-combobox): new module by @ArtBlue in #2197

Full Changelog:


4 months ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog: