Salem Versions Save

Add geolocalised subsetting, masking, and plotting operations to xarray


2 months ago

A minor release of the salem package to fix deprecation warnings and a few bugs.


1 year ago

A minor release of the salem package to fix deprecation warnings and modernize the packaging and versioning system.


1 year ago

A minor release of the salem package to fix deprecation warnings and some improvements:

  • Add ability to use custom norm function in salem plotting
  • Add WRF lon-lat projection


2 years ago

A minor release of the salem package to fix deprecation warnings from shapely, and remove the dependency to the discontinued package "descartes".


2 years ago

A minor release of the salem package to fix a version number issue in v0.3.5 and a compatibility fix for cartopy > 0.20.


2 years ago

A minor release of the salem package to fix for updates in xarray and an update in the Natural Earth image url.


3 years ago

A minor release of the salem package to fix for updates in xarray.


3 years ago

Emergency release to make up for problems in the previous one


3 years ago

A minor release of the salem package to make up for a version problem in v0.3.0.


3 years ago

A minor release of the salem package, mostly for bug fixes and small enhancements. We dropped support for Python 2.