React Onclickoutside Versions Save

An onClickOutside wrapper for React components


6 years ago

Fixed removing event listeners in some browsers.


6 years ago
  • upgraded to babel@7 (beta)
  • exposing flat bundles to npm now

8% gain in lib's size


6 years ago
  • Detect passive event support and try to use it only if its available - should fix removing touch event listeners on older mobile browsers


6 years ago
  • moved "uid" generation from componentDidMount to the constructor, otherwise if enableOnClickOutside got called before componentDidMount (i.e. in WrappedComponent's componentDidMount) the handler got registered under undefined "uid"


6 years ago
  • fixed issue with manual enableOnClickOutside calls - which caused duplicated handlers being attached to the document


6 years ago
  • fixed issue with some props being aggressively cached in closures, which caused handlers being called with stale values
  • building UMD bundles and publishing them to npm (thanks to @jochenberger)


6 years ago
  • exporting IGNORE_CLASS_NAME so it may be used as constant instead of hard-coding it in the projects
  • fixed logic of the passive listeners under the hood
  • build tools tweaks, distributed files should weigh a little less


6 years ago
  • publishing both commonjs and es module format from now on, this allows module-aware bundlers like i.e. rollup and webpack2+ to load this module in a better way


6 years ago
  • refactored library to use es6 classes syntax
  • allowing for the wrapped component to render null, handling attachment/deattachment of internal DOM listeners automatically in such cases
  • passing explicit passive setting for the touch events (based on the preventDefault prop)