React Date Range Versions Save

A React component for choosing dates and date ranges.


2 years ago


  • calendarFocus prop: Whether calendar focus month should be forward-driven or backwards-driven. can be forwards or backwards (Default: forwards)
  • preventSnapRefocus prop: prevents unneceessary refocus of shown range on selection. (Default: false)


2 years ago


  • retainEndDateOnFirstSelection prop: You can prevent the endDate from changing for selections when the startDate is updated. Default behaviour is for endDate to reset which is preserved. This prop makes this configurable.


2 years ago


  • dayContentRenderer prop: You can control how each date cell is rendered be passing this function that excepts a date and returns what need to be rendered (#242, #384, #476)


2 years ago


  • Fixes #417 : Cannot install third-party deps on 1.1.3 version
  • Fixes #356 : Why is date-fns a peer dependency?


  • LICENSE changed and moved since 2020 to Hypeserver due to Adphorus being acquired and unable to continue maintenance
  • Add Github Actions for test runs and publishing to NPM


4 years ago


  • BREAKING: date-fns is now loaded as a peerDependency. You can use this plugin with your own project's date-fns version. However if you want to keep using date-fns versions older than 2.0.0, (minimum version is 2.0.0-alpha.1) you need to pass the following props to your component. (See the reason here, also see this table)
  dateDisplayFormat='MMM D, YYYY'
  monthDisplayFormat='MMM YYYY'


  • weekStartsOn prop: You can set the week start day. (Number, 0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday etc.) If not specified, gets the week start day from your locale.

  • weekdayDisplayFormat, dayDisplayFormat and monthDisplayFormat props: For being able to use different versions of date-fns

  • startDatePlaceholder and endDatePlaceholder props: You can set different placeholders for Date inputs. If not set, falls back to 'Early' and 'Continuous'.

  • fixedHeight prop: Set this to true to prevent height change while selecting different months. Since some months require less than 6 lines to show, by setting this prop, you can force 6 lines for all months.

  • editableDateInputs prop: Set this to true to make the inputs editable. Falls back to false.

  • DateInput and InputRangeField are exported as dedicated components.


  • Works with React 16, without warnings (Deprecated methods are removed: componentWillReceiveProps )
  • IE11 Bug where the last day of each week is not shown.
  • Now infinite scroll mode works as expected.


5 years ago


Improved predefined date range part to make it accept more than a text label. You can customize your render date range part.


5 years ago


  • IE compatibility problem fixed (#208)
  • Wrong form submission prevented for defined ranges
  • Preview on mouse leave on defined range item is fixed


5 years ago


  • Firefox year selection bug fixed (#201)
  • default ranges export fixed (#196)
  • form submission bug fixed (#198 )
  • fixed minor localization issue


  • dragSelectionEnabled prop added (#204)
  • showMonthAndYearPickers prop added (#206)


5 years ago
  • fixed shownDate at scrolled calendar
  • added onShownDateChange prop
  • exposed initialFocusedRange, focusedRange, onRangeFocusChange expose preview, showPreview, onPreviewChange props
  • showSelectionPreview renamed to showPreview
  • calendar started switch range edges if endDate before startDate
  • isSunday style removed, isWeekend style added


6 years ago


  • BREAKING: Calendar and DateRange are now totally controlled components with stateless date management.

  • BREAKING: React-date-range is no longer use moment out of the box. Input and output values are native Date object. Until v2 version you don't depent on momentjs. You can keep continue to use moment if you want like below


// this.state.eventDate: momentjs object
  onChange={date => this.setState({eventDate: date})}


  date={this.state.eventDate} // js object
  onChange={date => this.setState({ eventDate: date })} // 

NEW with moment (or any other date libraries)

  date={this.state.eventDate.toDate()} // convert moment object to js Date
  onChange={date => this.setState({ eventDate: moment(date) })} // 
  • BREAKING: Theming and style approach complately changed. react-date-range don't use inline styles any more. At the new version you should import skeleton styles and theme styles
// main style file
import 'react-date-range/dist/styles.css';
// theme css file
import 'react-date-range/dist/theme/default.css';
  • BREAKING: Calendar and DateRange Components, no longer support string typed lang prop.


 <Calendar lang="tr" />


 import turkish from 'react-date-range/locale/tr';
 // you can view full list in
 <Calendar locale={turkish} />
  • BREAKING: DateRange handle range data with ranges:Array prop instead of startDate and endDate props.


    startDate={new Date()}
    endDate={new Date(2048, 6, 6)}
    onChange={ change => {
      /* prints:
        startDate: Moment,
        endDate: Moment
    } }


      startDate: new Date(),
      endDate: new Date(2048, 06, 06),
      key: 'selection',
    onChange={changes => {
      /* prints
        selection: {
          startDate: Date,
          endDate: Date
  • calendars prop renamed as months. And Calendar component is accepting months prop just like DateRange. Default value changed to 1 from 2.


  • format prop removed. No longer accepts string input for Calendar or DateRange. You should parse dates like below: Native js: new Date(dateString) Date-fns: fns.parse(dateString) Momentjs: moment(dateString).toDate()

  • disableDaysBeforeToday prop removed. use minDate={new Date()} instead.

  • firstDayOfWeek prop removed. It is auto detecting from locale prop.

  • init prop removed.


  • DefinedRanges component: It's a set of date presets. Receives inputRanges, staticRanges for setting date ranges.
  • DateRangePicker component. It's combined version of DateRange with DefinedRanges component.
  • Date range selection by drag.
  • Infinite scroll feature. Sample usage:
  const horizontalScroll={enabled: true, monthHeight: 300, monthWidth: 300 };
  const verticalScroll={enabled: true, monthHeight: 220, longMonthHeight: 240 };
  <DateRangePicker scroll={horizontalScroll} />
  <DateRangePicker scroll={verticalScroll} months={2} />