Parsedown Versions Save

Better Markdown Parser in PHP


1 year ago

This is an initial beta of the planned changes for v2.0.0.

Documentation is still being worked on for general usage. Some initial "extensions focused" documentation is available in: 2.0.x/docs/


4 years ago

Introduce rawHtml concept from beta 1.8 that extensions may optionally utilise. In 1.8 beta versions this feature is utilised internally and might have compatibility issues with extensions, this release does not use this feature internally so no such issues will be present.


5 years ago


5 years ago

This is a security release and resolves an issue which would allow a user to add arbitrary classes to fenced code blocks. This might have security consequences, see #699 for more detail.


5 years ago

This is a pre-release.

To see what's changed from 1.7.1, please refer to the draft release notes in

Any testing, bug-reports, or bug-fixes are very welcome.

This beta increment is a security release and resolves an issue which would allow a user to add arbitrary classes to fenced code blocks. This might have security consequences, see #699 for more detail.


5 years ago

This is a pre-release.

To see what's changed from 1.7.1, please refer to the draft release notes in

Any testing, bug-reports, or bug-fixes are very welcome.

This beta release restores the existence of some previously deleted protected interface endpoints.


5 years ago

This is a pre-release.

To see what's changed from 1.7.1, please refer to the draft release notes in

Any testing, bug-reports, or bug-fixes are very welcome.

Some minor bug-fixes have been resolved since beta-3.


5 years ago

This is a pre-release.

To see what's changed from 1.7.1, please refer to the draft release notes in

Any testing, bug-reports, or bug-fixes are very welcome.

Essentially this is the second beta but I forgot to bump the class version number before tagging, and I'm not a fan of deleting version tags – hence number 3.


6 years ago

This is a pre-release.

To see what's changed from 1.7.1, please refer to the draft release notes in

Any testing, bug-reports, or bug-fixes are very welcome.


6 years ago

This is a bugfix release. The following have been resolved:

#475: "Loose" lists will now contain paragraphs in all items, not just some. #433: Links will no longer be double nested #525: The info-string when beginning a code block may now contain non-word characters (e.g. c++) #561: The mbstring extension (which we already depend on) has been added explicitly to composer.json #563: The Parsedown::version constant now matches the release version #560: Builds will now fail if we forget to update the version constant again 😉

Thanks to @PhrozenByte, @harikt, @erusev, @luizbills, and @aidantwoods for their contributions to this release.