Org Ql Versions Save

A searching tool for Org-mode, including custom query languages, commands, saved searches and agenda-like views, etc.


3 weeks ago


  • Bookmarking org-ql-view buffers when the buffers-files argument is a symbol (like org-agenda-files).


2 months ago


  • Predicate heading incorrectly matched strings as regular expressions, sometimes returning incorrect results. (See discussion. Thanks to Alex Popescu for reporting.)
  • Predicates ancestor and parent did not normalize their sub-queries, sometimes returning incorrect results. (#365. Thanks to Gabriele Mongiano for reporting.)


3 months ago


  • Command org-ql-find goes to the selected entry in the base buffer (rather than potentially an indirect buffer, whose narrowing could leave the selected entry hidden. The nuances around going to entries in buffers that may be indirect and/or narrowed are surprisingly complicated. Hopefully this is the last fix).


3 months ago



3 months ago


  • Command org-ql-find incorrectly restored the buffer after jumping when not using indirect buffers. (See #380. Thanks to Bram Schoenmakers for reporting.)


3 months ago


  • Command org-ql-find widens the buffer before going to the selected entry.
  • In org-ql-view buffers, links in headings remain clickable links. (Fixes #282. Thanks to Jacob Boxerman for reporting.)


4 months ago


  • Function org-ql-completing-read, used by command org-ql-find, now specifies the completion category as org-heading, providing compatibility with Embark. (This is a powerful feature, as it means any org-ql-find result can be acted on from inside the search results with Embark, which provides common actions from Org Agenda and Org speed keys bindings.) (#299. Thanks to Omar Antolín Camarena, Daniel Mendler, and Akira Komamura.)
    • Command org-ql-completing-read-export, bound to C-c C-e or embark-export while in an org-ql-completing-read session, exits and shows an org-ql-view buffer for the current search.
  • Command org-ql-find may be called in an org-agenda or org-ql-view buffer to search the buffers which contributed to the agenda/view buffer.
  • Command org-ql-find-path, which searches outline paths in the current buffer.
  • Command org-ql-open-link, which finds links in entries matching the given query, and opens the selected one with org-open-at-point. (This is helpful when a collection of links are kept in Org files: rather than having to first visit the entry containing the desired link, then locate it within the entry, and then open it, the user can simply select the link and open it directly.)
  • Items in org-ql-view buffers now include the org-category text property, like Org Agenda buffers, which allows grouping with org-super-agenda's category-related selectors. (#363. Thanks to Gabriele Mongiano for reporting.)


  • Predicate property correctly uses the value of org-use-property-inheritance when not specified. (#346, #356. Thanks to Bram Schoenmakers.)


  • Emacs 27.1 or later is now required.
  • Org v9.7's org-element API changes required some adjustments. (#364. Thanks to several users for reporting, and to Ihor Radchenko for his feedback.)


6 months ago


  • Disable case-fold-search when collecting headings in outline paths. (Headings that started with a word that is also a to-do keyword but with different capitalization would be matched incorrectly.)
  • Saving of org-ql-view views. (#378. Thanks to Pentaquark1 for reporting.)
  • Command org-ql-find didn't move point to the selected entry. (#380. Thanks to Omar Antolín Camarena for reporting.)


6 months ago


  • Timestamp predicates are more tolerant of partial input (e.g. preventing errors while the user is typing a query into org-ql-find).
  • Query parser ignores leading whitespace (e.g. preventing errors while the user is typing a query into org-ql-find).
  • Use of org-ql-find with :query-prefix argument prevented selection of results. (#351. Thanks to Daniel Fleischer for reporting.)
  • Handle narrowed buffers correctly in org-ql-find.
  • Warn about empty headings in org-ql-completing-read (the Org format allows a heading line to have no text, but it's useless for this purpose, and usually indicates unnoticed corruption).


7 months ago


  • Function org-ql-completing-read is more compatible with default Emacs completion. (See #338. Thanks to arozbiz for reporting.)
  • Function org-ql-completing-read would sometimes stop updating with changes in input. (See #350. Thanks to Ankit Raj Pandey for reporting and fixing, and to Daniel Mendler for advising.)
  • In org-ql-completing-read, format links for display, and use org-entry-get internally rather than org-get-heading.