Orbdetpy Versions Save

Orbit Determination with Python


4 years ago


4 years ago

New features:

  1. The CPU intensive propagate_orbits, simulate_measurements, and determine_orbit may now be called asynchronously, which allows orbdetpy to use multiple CPU cores and hyper-threading. See examples/run_tests.py for an example of the caller-side changes needed to support multi-threaded synchronization. The UKF will automatically propagate sigma points in parallel without any additional user input needed.

  2. Station measurement biases and other parameters may now be estimated or considered in the UKF. The EKF can only estimate Cd, Cr and DMC accelerations but not station biases.

  3. Outlier detection may now be configured using the parameters in docs/file_formats.md.


4 years ago

The primary goal of this release was to eliminate the costly JSON encode/decode cycles that were used to bridge the Python/Java divide. This was done by using protobuf's native binary wire format for data marshalling. However, the following changes in this release break backward compatibility.

  1. The names of Python modules and functions have changed. See README.md for more details on usage.
  2. The files testsim.py and testodet.py have been removed because the underlying functions simulate_measurements() and determine_orbit() are capable of handling file inputs directly.
  3. The files plotsim.py and plotodet.py have been moved to the orbdetpy.plotting sub-package. See README.md for some examples.
  4. The estimation process now honors the Propagation/Step configuration parameter. Use this in combination with Propagation/StepHandlerStartTime and Propagation/StepHandlerEndTime parameters to limit the amount of data generated and to avoid out-of-memory situations.
  5. The orbdetpy.propagation module introduces a new propagate_orbits() function that is capable of propagating multiple orbits in parallel.


4 years ago

Changed Python<->Java function call interface to use gRPC instead of the Python pyjnius package.


4 years ago
  1. Added several frames to list of reference frames available for transformations.
  2. Added functions for RA/Dec<->Az/El conversions.
  3. Added all Keplerian elements to simulation result plots.


4 years ago

Made package installabe using pip.


4 years ago

Initial stable release