Npm Windows Upgrade Versions Save

:rocket: Upgrade npm on Windows


5 years ago


  • npm-windows-upgrade v6.0.0 now requires at least Node v8.
  • Updated dependencies


5 years ago

This major upgrade isn't as big as it seems, but it is breaking: We've updated our dependency inquirer to its latest version, forcing us to require at least Node v6.


? Test on Node 6, 8, and 10 ? Update readme with v6 requirement ? Update inquirer


5 years ago

⚠️ This is the last release that supports Node v4.


? Fixed "check version" bug on non-English systems ? Moved links to https ? Updated dependencies to their latest versions ? Fixed typos in code comments ? Made linter happy ? Updated ps1 integration test


5 years ago

This minor update fixes small bugs and updates dependencies. The actual changes are minimal:


? Fixed tests ? Updated development dependencies ? Fix version reporting ? Rename isPathExists to isPathAccessible ? Fix logging output ? Update package-lock


7 years ago

This major upgrade mostly updates core dependencies.

:warning: Due to changes in the dependencies, *support for Node < 4.0 has been dropped. If you're running Node 0.10, 0.12, or any other older version of Node, please use [email protected], which is the last available version that supports those versions.


  • Promise polyfill has been replaced with native Promises
  • Visionmedia's debug is now used, meaning that $env:DEBUG="*" and $env:DEBUG="npm-windows-upgrade" both result in debug output.


7 years ago

New major version! There aren't really any major news - this is a complete rewrite, but all the functionality is still the same. I decided to rewrite the tool from ground up to clean up some of the code, make testing easier, and in general improve debugging and coding.


7 years ago
  • Fixed a bug that lead the program to exit immediately after the first prompt.


7 years ago
  • Updated dependencies
  • Removed shrinkwrap, fixed version numbers - allowing users with different registry settings to use this tool


8 years ago
  • We now recommend uninstalling and reinstalling Node if everything fails (thanks to @robertbaker)
  • Dependencies upgraded


8 years ago

Update Dependencies