Nfldb Versions Save

A library to manage and update NFL data in a relational database.


9 years ago

This is a new release of nfldb that brings major changes to the implementation and one small change that could break your code:

ATTN: This introduces a breaking change. The team field can no longer be used in the play method. Instead, you should use the new play_player method to select individual player statistics belonging to a specific team.

Once you update, the next time you connect to nfldb, your database will be migrated to include the agg_play table. You should see some messages printed to your terminal. You should not have to do anything other than wait a few moments while the operation completes.

Otherwise, there are very few public facing changes, but the entire guts of nfldb.Query have been ripped out and replaced with more robust SQL generation code. Moreover, several idiosyncracies have been fixed and some unit tests have finally been added.

  1. Previously, the Query class was doing some very clever things to do parts of a JOIN in Python code. The general flow was that filtering was applied to find primary keys---never using any JOINs---and once all criteria had been applied, those ids were used in a simple SELECT to fetch the actual rows.

    Now all of that cruft has been removed and replaced with intelligent SQL generation that constructs one query with all the proper JOINs. For whatever reason, I thought this was slower when experimenting with it when I first started nfldb. Perhaps my indexes weren't configured properly then. In any case, I can't really see much performance difference.

  2. The SQL generation code is very smart. Although it is not part of nfldb's public API, I imagine it would be very useful if you had some special needs. See the unexported but documented nfldb.sql module.

  3. Many idiosyncracies resulting from doing a join in Python are now completely gone. For example, if you tried to apply a sort with a limit with complex search criteria, you were bound to get wrong answers. For example, if you tried sorting by both a column on the week table (like down) and a column on play_player (like passing_tds) and applied a limit to it, the results would be completely wonky because the pure Python join can't cope with it performantly. A regular SQL join? Piece of cake.

  4. I have added a materialized view agg_play. This is a fancy word for "a table that automatically updates itself." In essence, whenever a new row is added to play_player, aggregate statistics for that play are re-computed. This makes adding data slower (which doesn't happen very frequently), but it makes querying data much faster and easier. For example, plays can be queried for passing_yds without ever joining with play_player. (Which is wonky because of the one-to-many relationship.) To reflect this clearer separation of concerns, the method will no longer add criteria that hits the play_player table. Instead, if you really want the play_player table, then you can use the new play_player method. The only field that was accepted in the play that is no longer allowed is the team and player_id fields. This is because there is no sensible way to aggregate these values into a single play.

    To the best of my knowledge, that is the only possible breaking change here.