NaughtyAttributes Versions Save

Attribute Extensions for Unity


2 years ago

New Attributes

  • SortingLayer - similar to [Layer], but instead of selecting a physics layer, you can select a sorting layer via dropdown interface


2 years ago


  • 2bba47dd3363a992382e780e45f2a89a5c11761c (#297) - Fixed a bug where [CurveRange] couldn't be used on array/list of curves
  • 4f07279066349a5c42bf097a3d2edb76883fb367 (#279) - [ShowNonSerializedField] and [ShowNativeProperty] now use Unity's nicified object names when drawn in the inspector


2 years ago


  • 7cddf69bca9d09eb8205498ebaf6bdc50f7641fd (#294) - fixed a bug where properties above others marked with [Expandable] were non-modifiable


2 years ago


  • 7d174c4873b403234756a3cbe392c7e81b8b5b1b - fixed a null reference caused by an empty Dropdown
  • 178959b4f9ded9aead6cd1f9a80decf41b9b6812 (#277) - fixed a bug where Expandable wasn't working correctly when inside deep nesting hierarchies of lists with scriptable objects


2 years ago


  • 7a2d8e17a2a979a484a32aa9d3bc17daed0a4e12 (#217) - EnableIf/DisableIf/ShowIf/HideIf can now have an enum flags condition


  • e4edd04d78aeb27cb99134b8fc84f521485de6de (#232) - Expandable can now be applied on a list of scriptable objects


2 years ago

Minimum supported unity version

  • The minimum supported Unity version is now 2018.4.x instead of 2018.3.x

New attributes

  • Layer - You can select a Unity layer. Similar to Scene, Tag, InputAxis and AnimatorParam attributes


  • Added support for short, ushort, uint, ulong, Vector2Int, Vector3Int, RectInt for [ShowNativeProperty] and [ShowNonSerializedField]
  • MinMaxSlider can be applied to Vector2Int
  • MinValue and MaxValue validators can be applied to Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Vector2Int, Vector3Int
  • ShowIf/HideIf/EnableIf/DisableIf now support enum value as a condition


  • ce8eaf2658f37a1e89efedf6111df9b02f238cfd (#180) - ReadOnly is now a meta attribute so it can be combined with other drawer attributes
  • 3944fec482fe883c70394bc8b2c680bb720578bd (#185) - fixed a bug where scriptable objects with the Expandable attribute become corrupted when the user selects multiple game objects with the same MonoBehaviour
  • 6e24ead24a079d542b043f06789c271cf0953b5f (#207) - fixed a bug where Decorator Drawers are not affected by ShowIf/HideIf/EnableIf/DisableIf attributes
  • dcae7a651a284e1f9c8104ce8070112bad71da01 (#209) - fixed a bug where multi-selection of objects with a dropdown overwrites all values to be the value of the last object selected
  • 325696fe42c0f7f0069c543a1c377c8ba35822ae (#213) - fixed a bug where Dropdown doesn't save first value by default
  • faa02a1a2728620efc9e7453bbeaa15cb977a3c7 (#222) - fixed a bug where ProgressBar wasn't working with integers
  • da9c670d194ad474e75c607ea7d7df8fdf037671 - fixed a bug where the labels of nested curves when using the CurveRange attribute where invisible


3 years ago


  • add11c452f33f5118d4c1ebdc1ec52e6f0a226e2 - Fixed incorrect rendering of custom property drawers in ReorderableList
  • 473fb3b461eeac3e62a6a1d7906465756c8929d5 - Foldout group can now be expanded when you click on the label
  • aa20fa37b97f3b871c3f90621cc2c79fd181b483 - The Button and the ReorderableList's label now support rich text (#189)
  • 0183cca6c6dcac9dcf193e3634b5cb3025f371a1 - Fixed a nesting bug where some elements where overlapping (#200)


  • As of Unity 2020.2.x all arrays and lists in the inspector are reorderable by default, so we no longer have to use the ReorderableList attribute. I think we all have a part in this. Just wanted to say thanks to all users and contributors. If it wasn't for you, this project would've never become so popular. Let's hope Unity Technologies will integrate more attributes in the engine. Together we can make Unity even greater... Ho, ho, ho


3 years ago


  • #184 - Foldout is now supported for versions below Unity 2019.1


3 years ago


#171 - ReorderableList doesn't work correctly inside expanded ScriptableObject #174 - Expandable does not work on classes inherited from ScriptableObject


3 years ago

New Attributes

  • AnimatorParam - easy selection of animator parameters
  • Expandable - ScriptableObjects can be expanded inside MonoBehaviours or other ScriptableObjects
  • Foldout - creates a foldout group


  • Type support for [ShowNativeProperty]
  • [InfoBox] is now resizable depending on the size of the content
  • The header of the [ReorderableList] now supports drag and drop
  • The headers of buttons, non-serialized fields, and native properties are removed


  • #161 - fixed a null reference exception when viewing game objects with deleted mono behaviors that use NaughtyAttributes
  • If an exception is thrown, the inspector's disabled scoped can't be modified, because all calls to GUI.enabled are replaced with EditorGUI.DisabledScope()
  • #123 - [ReorderableList] and [ShowAssetPreview] can now be combined together.