Modd Versions Save

A flexible developer tool that runs processes and responds to filesystem changes


5 years ago
  • Improvements to display for restart backoff
  • Fix a race condition affecting daemon restart (Richard Musiol)
  • Dependency updates and build improvements


5 years ago
  • Modd now has a built-in POSIX-like shell interpreter, which is used to execute commands by default. This means modd.conf files should now be fully portable.
  • Deprecate the exec shell variant. This is not needed now we have a built-in shell.
  • Subprocess execution has been revamped. We now send signals to process groups on all platforms, which fixes issues with runners that don't pass signals on to children (notably go run).
  • Deprecate the exec shell variant. This is no longer needed now we have a built-in shell.
  • Add support for PowerShell on all platforms.


6 years ago

The major change in this release is to ensure that relative paths emitted start with ./. This makes it easier to use modd with a variety of other tools (including the Go toolchain).


6 years ago
  • More consistent handling of symlinks and absolute paths. We now never follow symlinks implicitly. Symlinks explicitly included as base directories in include patterns are converted to the destination path, and handled like any other. Symlinks and absolute paths that fall outside the working directory result in absolute path notifications, otherwise all notification paths are relative to the working directory.
  • @ symbols in command can now be backslash escaped.
  • Many minor documentation clarifications and bugfixes


7 years ago
  • Add an "indir" block option to control the execution directory for a block.
  • Fix some formatting issues in notifications (thanks @stereosteve)


8 years ago
  • Modd no longer exits when there are script errors on first run. Instead, blocks with errors will be progressively started when there are applicable changes.
  • +onchange option to prep commands tells modd skip execution on startup, and run only when there's a detected change. (thanks Thomas B Homburg [email protected])
  • @shell magic variable to switch the shell used to execute commands. Current options are "bash" and "exec". (thanks Daniel Theophanes [email protected])
  • Modd now uses an exponential backoff strategy for daemon restarts (Josh Bleecher Snyder [email protected])
  • Bugfix: Fix a format string issue that could cause some program output on the console to be corrupted. (thanks Yoav Alon [email protected])


8 years ago
  • Windows support - thanks to @mattn for getting the ball rolling
  • Fix a serious bug that prevented recursive watching on Linux
  • Show full, variable expanded commands in logs
  • Use slash-delimited paths throughout, even on Windows
  • Properly handle CRLF line endings in config files
  • Many, many small bugfixes and improvements


8 years ago

Initial release of modd.