Mkcert Versions Save

A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.


1 year ago

Firefox packaged in a Snap, which is the default browser of Ubuntu 22.04, is now supported ✅

Fixed a crash when a CSR doesn't have SANs 💥

Calling mkcert with no arguments only prints the help text 🤫

Pre-built binaries for windows/arm64 and darwin/arm64 🧱

Pre-built binaries are now available at stable URLs like these 🔗


3 years ago

The EKU logic is now simpler, and it follows the following rules

  • if an IP address, DNS name, or URI SAN is present, serverAuth is included
  • if -client is used, clientAuth is included
  • if an email address SAN in present, emailProtection is included

Certificate generation based on CSRs is now consistent with standard certificate generation.

Releases are now built from GitHub Actions.


3 years ago
  • Reduce certificate lifetime to 2 years and 3 months
  • Detect various flavors of Firefox (#225, #280)
  • Build release binary for linux/arm64 (#284)

The Go import path of the module is now, which should only affect users installing the tool with go get, which was never a recommended installation method.


4 years ago

Note: packagers building from source now need to set the version like -ldflags "-X main.Version=$VERSION"

  • Use sudo when necessary to install in system-wide NSS stores (#192)
  • Add a -version flag (#191)
  • Speed up macOS execution by 4x for most users (#135)
  • Minor usability improvements (#182, #178, #188)


4 years ago

macOS 10.15 Catalina introduced certificate lifespan limits which block mkcert certificates. As a temporary measure, mkcert certificates now have a fixed notBefore date of June 1st, 2019. Once the ACME server is implemented, certificate lifespan will be shortened to 3 months. (#174)

Certificates generated by previous versions of mkcert after July 1st, 2019 will not work on macOS 10.15 Catalina, and will have to be regenerated. The root CA is unaffected and there is no need to rerun mkcert -install.

URL (#166) and email (for S/MIME, #152) SANs are now supported.

Client certificates are now created with a -client filename suffix, and they claim the serverAuth EKU as well as the clientAuth one.

The certificate subject now includes the full user name, like [email protected] (Filippo Valsorda).

SLES, OpenSUSE (#162), Snapcraft (#116), and CentOS 7 (#120) are now supported.

Linux release binaries are now fully static, and will work regardless of the system libc. (#169)


5 years ago

🔬 New advanced options:

  • -ecdsa to generate ECDSA private keys
  • -client to generate client certificates
  • -csr to sign certificate signing requests
  • $TRUST_STORES to select what stores to install into

Also, in other news:

  • Add "Firefox" support on macOS
  • Set the CommonName when generating PKCS#12 files for IIS


5 years ago
  • Add -cert-file, -key-file and -p12-file flags
  • Add some helpful lines to docs and output
  • Fix Java failure modes on Windows


5 years ago


5 years ago
  • Support the Arch system root store
  • Support Java on Windows
  • Support the JRE root store
  • Support multiple CAs on Linux


5 years ago

A round of new supported root stores and formats, all contributions from the community.