ODrive Versions Save

High performance motor control


11 months ago

Release index has moved

The release index here on GitHub only includes firmware for ODrive v3.x (NRND). Firmware for newer generation ODrives (Pro, S1, Micro, ...) is available here: https://docs.odriverobotics.com/releases/firmware.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/odriverobotics/ODrive/compare/fw-v0.5.5...fw-v0.5.6


1 year ago

This firmware is supported by and can be flashed with odrivetool 0.6.3


  • CANSimple messages which previously required the rtr bit to be set will now also respond if DLC = 0
  • Ensure endstops update before being checked for errors, to prevent #625
  • Reset trajectory_done_ during homing to ensure a new trajectory is actually computed #634
  • Use input_xxx as a DC offset in tuning mode
  • Sync steps_ with input pos.
  • Trigger reset of input_pos and pos_setpoint to estimate when changing control mode into position control

Commit List

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/odriverobotics/ODrive/compare/fw-v0.5.4...fw-v0.5.5


2 years ago


  • Some ASCII protocol commands (e.g. w axis0.requested_state 4) resulted in not implemented due to an issue with the CI compiler. A workaround was made to fix this.
  • Fixed bad response of some ASCII procotol commands (e.g. r axis0.error returned 0d instead of 0).


  • Added <axis>.controller.config.vel_integrator_limit
  • Allow setting controller gains on CAN Simple


2 years ago


  • ASCII protocol commands with multiline responses (i, h) now return the expected response (in v0.5.2 the response was corrupted)
  • odrivetool no longer shows the message <Task pending coro=... running at ...> when closing
  • Homing used to erroneously complete with is_homed == True even if it failed for some reason
  • When entering closed loop control in trapezoidal trajectory mode the axis no longer snaps to the 0 position
  • Fix python DFU firmware version prerelease status resolution to use correct attribute
  • Fixed firmware compiled-in version number


  • brake_resistor_current added to interface for reading the commanded brake resistor current


  • Removed odrivetool generate-code. This feature was broken in 0.5.2. Use interface_generator.py instead (see Tupfile.lua for examples).
  • Firmware boots on devices with unset OTP.
  • Changed CAN heartbeat message to include "trajectory done" flag


2 years ago

[0.5.2] - 2021-05-28


  • spinout error is no longer sticky and doesn't trigger on static torque loads due to I^2*R electrical power
  • Step and direction mode resets position when entering closed loop just like input_pos does
  • CAN baud rate setting is now correctly handled
  • odrivetool dfu works properly when an ODrive is flashed with the dfu switch set to "dfu".
  • odrivetool dfu now erases the entire flash memory before flashing firmware. This ensures that old configuration parameters are erased.
  • ASCII and the Native Protocol do not run at the same time on a UART interface. See odrv0.config.uart0_protocol and the STREAM_PROTOCOL_TYPE enums for details.


  • sc command to ascii protocol to run odrv.clear_errors()
  • Added phase balance check to motor calibration and MOTOR_ERROR_UNBALANCED_PHASES to error enums
  • Added polarity and phase offset calibration for hall effect encoders
  • Mechanical brake support
  • Added periodic sending of encoder position on CAN
  • Support for UART1 on GPIO3 and GPIO4. UART0 (on GPIO1/2) and UART1 can currently not be enabled at the same time.
  • Thermistors now have a 2nd order lowpass filter applied to reduce noise
  • 2-norm current clamping is used for AC induction motors
  • Added spinout detection to detect incorrect encoder offset and CONTROLLER_ERROR_SPINOUT_DETECTED to error enums.
  • Added AARCH64 support to libfibre
  • Tuning input mode added to provide sinusoidal position, velocity, or torque stimulus. See INPUT_MODE_TUNING and the controller class for details.
  • Added torque mirroring to INPUT_MODE_MIRROR
  • mechanical_power_bandwidth, electrical_power_bandwidth, spinout_electrical_power_threshold, spinout_mechanical_power_threshold added to controller.config for spinout detection.
  • mechanical_power and electrical_power added to controller.


  • Step/dir performance improved! Dual axis step rates up to 250kHz have been tested
  • Apply_config is called for encoders after a successful direction find
  • Full calibration sequence now includes hall polarity calibration if a hall effect encoder is used
  • Modified encoder offset calibration to work correctly when calib_scan_distance is not a multiple of 4pi
  • Moved thermistors from being a top level object to belonging to Motor objects. Also changed errors: thermistor errors rolled into motor errors
  • Use DMA for DRV8301 setup
  • Make NVM configuration code more dynamic so that the layout doesn't have to be known at compile time.
  • GPIO initialization logic was changed. GPIOs now need to be explicitly set to the mode corresponding to the feature that they are used by. See <odrv>.config.gpioX_mode.
  • Previously, if two components used the same interrupt pin (e.g. step input for axis0 and axis1) then the one that was configured later would override the other one. Now this is no longer the case (the old component remains the owner of the pin).
  • New control loop architecture:
    1. TIM8 update interrupt handler (CNT = 0) runs at a high priority and invokes the system level function sample_cb() to sample all timing critical inputs (currently only encoder state).
    2. TIM8 update interrupt handler (CNT = 0) raises an NVIC flag to kick off a lower priority interrupt.
    3. The control loop interrupt handler checks if all ADC measurements are ready and informs both motor objects about the current measurements.
    4. The control loop interrupt handler invokes the system level function control_loop_cb() which updates all components (encoders, estimators, torque controllers, etc). The data paths between the components are configured by the Axis threads based on the requested state. This replaces the previous architecture where the components were updated inside the Axis threads in Axis::run_control_loop().
    5. Meanwhile the TIM1 and TIM8 updates for CNT = 3500 will have fired. The control loop interrupt handler thus reads the new ADC measurements and informs both motor objects that a DC calibration event has happened.
    6. Finally, the control loop interrupt invokes pwm_update_cb on both motors to make them update their PWM timing registers.
  • Components that need low level control over PWM timings are implemented by inheriting from the PhaseControlLaw interface. Three components currently inherit this interface: FieldOrientedController, ResistanceMeasurementControlLaw and InductanceMeasurementControlLaw.
  • The FOC algorithm is now found in foc.cpp and and is presumably capable of running at a different frequency than the main control tasks (not relevant for ODrive v3).
  • ACIM estimator was consolidated into a separate component <odrv>.acim_estimator.
  • The Automatic Output Enable (AOE) flag of TIM1/TIM8 is used to achieve glitch-free motor arming.
  • Sensorless mode was merged into closed loop control mode. Use <axis>.enable_sensorless_mode to disable the use of an encoder.
  • More informative profiling instrumentation was added.
  • A system-level error property was introduced.
  • Added torque_mirror_ratio and use it to feed-forward controller_.torque_output in INPUT_MODE_MIRROR
  • Accumulate integer steps in step/dir to avoid float precision errors
  • Circular setpoint mode must be enabled when the step/dir interface is used.

API Migration Notes

  • axis.config.turns_per_step changed to axis.controller.config.steps_per_circular_range
  • odrive.axis.fet_thermistor, odrive.axis.motor_thermistor moved to odrive.axis.motor object
  • enable_uart and uart_baudrate were renamed to enable_uart0 and uart0_baudrate.
  • enable_i2c_instead_of_can was replaced by the separate settings enable_i2c0 and enable_can0.
  • <axis>.motor.gate_driver was moved to <axis>.gate_driver.
  • <axis>.min_endstop.pullup and <axis>.max_endstop.pullup were removed. Use <odrv>.config.gpioX_mode = GPIO_MODE_DIGITAL / GPIO_MODE_DIGITAL_PULL_UP / GPIO_MODE_DIGITAL_PULL_DOWN instead.
  • <axis>.config.can_node_id was moved to <axis>.config.can.node_id
  • <axis>.config.can_node_id_extended was moved to <axis>.config.can.is_extended
  • <axis>.config.can_heartbeat_rate_ms was moved to <axis>.config.can.heartbeat_rate_ms
  • <odrv>.get_oscilloscope_val() was moved to <odrv>.oscilloscope.get_val().
  • Several error flags from <odrv>.<axis>.error were removed. Some were moved to <odrv>.error and some are no longer relevant because implementation details changed.
  • Several error flags from <odrv>.<axis>.motor.error were removed. Some were moved to <odrv>.error and some are no longer relevant because implementation details changed.
  • <axis>.lockin_state was removed as the lockin implementation was replaced by a more general open loop control block (currently not exposed on the API).
  • AXIS_STATE_SENSORLESS_CONTROL was removed. Use AXIS_STATE_CLOSED_LOOP_CONTROL instead with <odrv>.enable_sensorless_mode = True.
  • <axis>.config.startup_sensorless_control was removed. Use <axis>.config.startup_closed_loop_control instead with <odrv>.enable_sensorless_mode = True.
  • <axis>.clear_errors() was replaced by the system-wide function <odrv>.clear_errors().
  • <axis>.armed_state was replaced by <axis>.is_armed.
  • Several properties in <axis>.motor.current_control were changed to read-only.
  • <axis>.motor.current_control.Ibus was moved to <axis>.motor.I_bus.
  • <axis>.motor.current_control.max_allowed_current was moved to <axis>.motor.max_allowed_current.
  • <axis>.motor.current_control.overcurrent_trip_level was removed.
  • <axis>.motor.current_control.acim_rotor_flux was moved to <axis>.acim_estimator.rotor_flux.
  • <axis>.motor.current_control.async_phase_vel was moved to <axis>.acim_estimator.stator_phase_vel.
  • <axis>.motor.current_control.async_phase_offset was moved to <axis>.acim_estimator.phase.
  • <axis>.motor.timing_log was removed in favor of <odrv>.task_times and <odrv>.<axis>.task_times.
  • <axis>.motor.config.direction was moved to <axis>.encoder.config.direction.
  • <axis>.motor.config.acim_slip_velocity was moved to <axis>.acim_estimator.config.slip_velocity.
  • Several properties were changed to readonly.
  • <axis>.encoder.config.offset was renamed to ``.encoder.config.phase_offset`
  • <axis>.encoder.config.offset_float was renamed to ``.encoder.config.phase_offset_float`
  • <odrv>.config.brake_resistance == 0.0 is no longer a valid way to disable the brake resistor. Use <odrv>.config.enable_brake_resistor instead. A reboot is necessary for this to take effect.
  • <odrv>.can.set_baud_rate() was removed. The baudrate is now automatically updated when writing to <odrv>.can.config.baud_rate.


2 years ago

[0.5.2] - 2021-05-15


  • spinout error is no longer sticky and doesn't trigger on static torque loads due to I^2*R electrical power
  • Step and direction mode resets position when entering closed loop just like input_pos does
  • CAN baud rate setting works


  • Added phase balance check to motor calibration and MOTOR_ERROR_UNBALANCED_PHASES to error enums
  • Added polarity and phase offset calibration for hall effect encoders
  • Mechanical brake support
  • Added periodic sending of encoder position on CAN
  • Support for UART1 on GPIO3 and GPIO4. UART0 (on GPIO1/2) and UART1 can currently not be enabled at the same time.
  • Thermistors now have a 2nd order lowpass filter applied to reduce noise
  • 2-norm current clamping is used for AC induction motors
  • Added spinout detection to detect incorrect encoder offset and CONTROLLER_ERROR_SPINOUT_DETECTED to error enums.
  • Added AARCH64 support to libfibre
  • Tuning input mode added to provide sinusoidal position, velocity, or torque stimulus. See INPUT_MODE_TUNING and the controller class for details.
  • Added torque mirroring to INPUT_MODE_MIRROR
  • mechanical_power_bandwidth, electrical_power_bandwidth, spinout_electrical_power_threshold, spinout_mechanical_power_threshold added to controller.config for spinout detection.
  • mechanical_power and electrical_power added to controller.


  • Step/dir performance improved! Dual axis step rates up to 250kHz have been tested
  • Apply_config is called for encoders after a successful direction find
  • Full calibration sequence now includes hall polarity calibration if a hall effect encoder is used
  • Modified encoder offset calibration to work correctly when calib_scan_distance is not a multiple of 4pi
  • Moved thermistors from being a top level object to belonging to Motor objects. Also changed errors: thermistor errors rolled into motor errors
  • Use DMA for DRV8301 setup
  • Make NVM configuration code more dynamic so that the layout doesn't have to be known at compile time.
  • GPIO initialization logic was changed. GPIOs now need to be explicitly set to the mode corresponding to the feature that they are used by. See <odrv>.config.gpioX_mode.
  • Previously, if two components used the same interrupt pin (e.g. step input for axis0 and axis1) then the one that was configured later would override the other one. Now this is no longer the case (the old component remains the owner of the pin).
  • New control loop architecture:
    1. TIM8 update interrupt handler (CNT = 0) runs at a high priority and invokes the system level function sample_cb() to sample all timing critical inputs (currently only encoder state).
    2. TIM8 update interrupt handler (CNT = 0) raises an NVIC flag to kick off a lower priority interrupt.
    3. The control loop interrupt handler checks if all ADC measurements are ready and informs both motor objects about the current measurements.
    4. The control loop interrupt handler invokes the system level function control_loop_cb() which updates all components (encoders, estimators, torque controllers, etc). The data paths between the components are configured by the Axis threads based on the requested state. This replaces the previous architecture where the components were updated inside the Axis threads in Axis::run_control_loop().
    5. Meanwhile the TIM1 and TIM8 updates for CNT = 3500 will have fired. The control loop interrupt handler thus reads the new ADC measurements and informs both motor objects that a DC calibration event has happened.
    6. Finally, the control loop interrupt invokes pwm_update_cb on both motors to make them update their PWM timing registers.
  • Components that need low level control over PWM timings are implemented by inheriting from the PhaseControlLaw interface. Three components currently inherit this interface: FieldOrientedController, ResistanceMeasurementControlLaw and InductanceMeasurementControlLaw.
  • The FOC algorithm is now found in foc.cpp and and is presumably capable of running at a different frequency than the main control tasks (not relevant for ODrive v3).
  • ACIM estimator was consolidated into a separate component <odrv>.acim_estimator.
  • The Automatic Output Enable (AOE) flag of TIM1/TIM8 is used to achieve glitch-free motor arming.
  • Sensorless mode was merged into closed loop control mode. Use <axis>.enable_sensorless_mode to disable the use of an encoder.
  • More informative profiling instrumentation was added.
  • A system-level error property was introduced.
  • Added torque_mirror_ratio and use it to feed-forward controller_.torque_output in INPUT_MODE_MIRROR
  • Accumulate integer steps in step/dir to avoid float precision errors
  • Circular setpoint mode must be enabled when the step/dir interface is used.

API Migration Notes

  • axis.config.turns_per_step changed to axis.controller.config.steps_per_circular_range
  • odrive.axis.fet_thermistor, odrive.axis.motor_thermistor moved to odrive.axis.motor object
  • enable_uart and uart_baudrate were renamed to enable_uart0 and uart0_baudrate.
  • enable_i2c_instead_of_can was replaced by the separate settings enable_i2c0 and enable_can0.
  • <axis>.motor.gate_driver was moved to <axis>.gate_driver.
  • <axis>.min_endstop.pullup and <axis>.max_endstop.pullup were removed. Use <odrv>.config.gpioX_mode = GPIO_MODE_DIGITAL / GPIO_MODE_DIGITAL_PULL_UP / GPIO_MODE_DIGITAL_PULL_DOWN instead.
  • <axis>.config.can_node_id was moved to <axis>.config.can.node_id
  • <axis>.config.can_node_id_extended was moved to <axis>.config.can.is_extended
  • <axis>.config.can_heartbeat_rate_ms was moved to <axis>.config.can.heartbeat_rate_ms
  • <odrv>.get_oscilloscope_val() was moved to <odrv>.oscilloscope.get_val().
  • Several error flags from <odrv>.<axis>.error were removed. Some were moved to <odrv>.error and some are no longer relevant because implementation details changed.
  • Several error flags from <odrv>.<axis>.motor.error were removed. Some were moved to <odrv>.error and some are no longer relevant because implementation details changed.
  • <axis>.lockin_state was removed as the lockin implementation was replaced by a more general open loop control block (currently not exposed on the API).
  • AXIS_STATE_SENSORLESS_CONTROL was removed. Use AXIS_STATE_CLOSED_LOOP_CONTROL instead with <odrv>.enable_sensorless_mode = True.
  • <axis>.config.startup_sensorless_control was removed. Use <axis>.config.startup_closed_loop_control instead with <odrv>.enable_sensorless_mode = True.
  • <axis>.clear_errors() was replaced by the system-wide function <odrv>.clear_errors().
  • <axis>.armed_state was replaced by <axis>.is_armed.
  • Several properties in <axis>.motor.current_control were changed to read-only.
  • <axis>.motor.current_control.Ibus was moved to <axis>.motor.I_bus.
  • <axis>.motor.current_control.max_allowed_current was moved to <axis>.motor.max_allowed_current.
  • <axis>.motor.current_control.overcurrent_trip_level was removed.
  • <axis>.motor.current_control.acim_rotor_flux was moved to <axis>.acim_estimator.rotor_flux.
  • <axis>.motor.current_control.async_phase_vel was moved to <axis>.acim_estimator.stator_phase_vel.
  • <axis>.motor.current_control.async_phase_offset was moved to <axis>.acim_estimator.phase.
  • <axis>.motor.timing_log was removed in favor of <odrv>.task_times and <odrv>.<axis>.task_times.
  • <axis>.motor.config.direction was moved to <axis>.encoder.config.direction.
  • <axis>.motor.config.acim_slip_velocity was moved to <axis>.acim_estimator.config.slip_velocity.
  • Several properties were changed to readonly.
  • <axis>.encoder.config.offset was renamed to ``.encoder.config.phase_offset`
  • <axis>.encoder.config.offset_float was renamed to ``.encoder.config.phase_offset_float`
  • <odrv>.config.brake_resistance == 0.0 is no longer a valid way to disable the brake resistor. Use <odrv>.config.enable_brake_resistor instead. A reboot is necessary for this to take effect.
  • <odrv>.can.set_baud_rate() was removed. The baudrate is now automatically updated when writing to <odrv>.can.config.baud_rate.


3 years ago

New in this release: Correct handling of infinity as a value ODrive config import/export Menu added to header Version bump of socket.io dependencies ODrive enums are now autogenerated and included on build Slider component fixes Numeric values automatically switch between decimal formatting and scientific notation


3 years ago

[0.5.1] - 2020-09-27


  • Added motor torque_constant: units of torque are now [Nm] instead of just motor current.
  • Motor thermistors support
  • Enable/disable of thermistor thermal limits according setting axis.<thermistor>.enabled.
  • Introduced odrive-interface.yaml as a root source for the ODrive's API. odrivetool connects much faster as a side effect.
  • Added torque_constant and torque_lim to motor config


  • input_pos, input_vel, pos_estimate_linear, pos_estimate_circular, are now in units of [turns] or [turns/s] instead of [counts] or [counts/s]
  • axis.motor.thermal_current_lim has been removed. Instead a new property is available axis.motor.effective_current_lim which contains the effective current limit including any thermal limits.
  • axis.motor.get_inverter_temp(), axis.motor.inverter_temp_limit_lower and axis.motor.inverter_temp_limit_upper have been moved to seperate fet thermistor object under axis.fet_thermistor. get_inverter_temp() function has been renamed to temp and is now a read-only property.
  • axis.config.counts_per_step is now axis.config.turns_per_step
  • Outputs of axis.sensorless_estimator are now in turns/s instead of electrical rad/s


  • Fixed bug of high current during lockin-ramp caused by motor::update() expecting a torque command instead of current
  • Fixed bug where commanded velocity was extremely high just after sensorless ramp when using input_mode INPUT_MODE_VEL_RAMP caused by vel_setpoint and axis.config.sensorless_ramp.vel being in different units

[0.5.0] - 2020-08-03


  • AC Induction Motor support.
    • Tracking of rotor flux through rotor time constant
    • Automatic d axis current for Maximum Torque Per Amp (MTPA)
  • ASCII "w" commands now execute write hooks.
  • Simplified control interface ("Input Filter" branch)
    • New input variables: input_pos, input_vel, and input_current
    • New setting input_mode to switch between different input behaviours
      • Passthrough
      • Velocity Ramp
      • 2nd Order Position Filter
      • Trapezoidal Trajectory Planner
    • Removed set_xxx_setpoint() functions and made xxx_setpoint variables read-only
  • Preliminary support for Absolute Encoders
  • Preliminary support for endstops and homing
  • CAN Communication with CANSimple stack
  • Gain scheduling for anti-hunt when close to 0 position error
  • Velocity Limiting in Current Control mode according to vel_limit and vel_gain
  • Regen current limiting according to max_regen_current, in Amps
  • DC Bus hard current limiting according to dc_max_negative_current and dc_max_positive_current
  • Brake resistor logic now attempts to clamp voltage according to odrv.config.dc_bus_overvoltage_ramp_start and odrv.config.dc_bus_overvoltage_ramp_end
  • Unit Testing with Doctest has been started for select algorithms, see Firmware/Tests/test_runner.cpp
  • Added support for Flylint VSCode Extension for static code analysis
  • Using an STM32F405 .svd file allows CortexDebug to view registers during debugging
  • Added scripts for building via docker.
  • Added ability to change uart baudrate via fibre


  • Changed ratiometric motor.config.current_lim_tolerance to absolute motor.config.current_lim_margin
  • Moved controller.vel_ramp_enable to INPUT_MODE_VEL_RAMP.
  • Anticogging map is temporarily forced to 0.1 deg precision, but saves with the config
  • Some Encoder settings have been made read-only
  • Cleaned up VSCode C/C++ Configuration settings on Windows with recursive includePath
  • Now compiling with C++17
  • Fixed a firmware hang that could occur from unlikely but possible user input
  • Added JSON caching to Fibre. This drastically reduces the time odrivetool needs to connect to an ODrive (except for the first time or after firmware updates).
  • Fix IPython RuntimeWarning that would occur every time odrivetool was started.
  • Reboot on erase_configuration(). This avoids unexpected behavior of a subsequent save_configuration() call, since the configuration is only erased from NVM, not from RAM.
  • Change motor.get_inverter_temp() to use a property which was already being sampled at motor.inverter_temp
  • Fixed a numerical issue in the trajectory planner that could cause sudden jumps of the position setpoint


3 years ago


4 years ago