Interrogate Save

Explain yourself! Interrogate a codebase for docstring coverage.

Project README

.. image:: :alt: Pink Sloth Logo

================================= interrogate: explain yourself

.. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Coverage

.. image:: :target: :alt: Testing Coverage

.. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status

.. image:: :target: :alt: CI Status

.. image:: :target: :alt: status

.. start-readme

Interrogate a codebase for docstring coverage.

Why Do I Need This?

interrogate checks your code base for missing docstrings.

Documentation should be as important as code itself. And it should live within code. Python standardized <>_ docstrings, allowing for developers to navigate libraries as simply as calling help() on objects, and with powerful tools like Sphinx <>, pydoc <>, and Docutils <>_ to automatically generate HTML, LaTeX, PDFs, etc.

Enter: interrogate.

interrogate will tell you which methods, functions, classes, and modules have docstrings, and which do not. Use interrogate to:

  • Get an understanding of how well your code is documented;
  • Add it to CI/CD checks to enforce documentation on newly-added code;
  • Assess a new code base for (one aspect of) code quality and maintainability.

Let's get started.


interrogate supports Python 3.8 and above.


interrogate is available on PyPI <>_ and GitHub <>. The recommended installation method is pip <>-installing into a virtualenv <>_:

.. code-block:: console

$ pip install interrogate


interrogate provides a way to generate a coverage badge <#other-usage>_ as an SVG file. To generate a PNG file instead, install interrogate with the extras [png]:

.. code-block:: console

$ pip install interrogate[png]

NOTICE: Additional system libraries/tools may be required in order to generate a PNG file of the coverage badge:

  • on Windows, install Visual C++ compiler for Cairo;
  • on macOS, install cairo and libffi (with Homebrew for example);
  • on Linux, install the cairo, python3-dev and libffi-dev packages (names may vary depending on distribution).

Refer to the cairosvg documentation <>_ for more information.


Try it out on a Python project:

.. code-block:: console

$ interrogate [PATH]
RESULT: PASSED (minimum: 80.0%, actual: 100.0%)

Add verbosity to see a summary:

.. code-block:: console

$ interrogate -v [PATH]

================== Coverage for /Users/lynn/dev/interrogate/ ====================
------------------------------------ Summary ------------------------------------
| Name                                  |   Total |   Miss |   Cover |   Cover% |
| src/interrogate/           |       1 |      0 |       1 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/           |       1 |      0 |       1 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/          |       6 |      0 |       6 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/                |       2 |      0 |       2 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/             |       8 |      0 |       8 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/           |      27 |      0 |      27 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/              |      10 |      0 |      10 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/              |      18 |      0 |      18 |     100% |
| tests/functional/          |       1 |      0 |       1 |     100% |
| tests/functional/          |       8 |      0 |       8 |     100% |
| tests/functional/     |      10 |      0 |      10 |     100% |
| tests/unit/                |       1 |      0 |       1 |     100% |
| tests/unit/          |       8 |      0 |       8 |     100% |
| tests/unit/             |      10 |      0 |      10 |     100% |
| tests/unit/              |      13 |      0 |      13 |     100% |
| TOTAL                                 |     124 |      0 |     124 |   100.0% |
---------------- RESULT: PASSED (minimum: 80.0%, actual: 100.0%) ----------------

Add even more verbosity:

.. code-block:: console

$ interrogate -vv [PATH]

================== Coverage for /Users/lynn/dev/interrogate/ ====================
------------------------------- Detailed Coverage -------------------------------
| Name                                                                |  Status |
| src/interrogate/ (module)                                | COVERED |
| src/interrogate/ (module)                                | COVERED |
| src/interrogate/ (module)                               | COVERED |
|   save_badge (L42)                                                  | COVERED |
|   get_badge (L87)                                                   | COVERED |
|   should_generate_badge (L103)                                      | COVERED |
|   get_color (L160)                                                  | COVERED |
|   create (L173)                                                     | COVERED |
| src/interrogate/ (module)                                     | COVERED |
|   main (L258)                                                       | COVERED |
| src/interrogate/ (module)                                  | COVERED |
|   InterrogateConfig (L19)                                           | COVERED |
|   find_project_root (L61)                                           | COVERED |
|   find_project_config (L89)                                         | COVERED |
|   parse_pyproject_toml (L100)                                       | COVERED |
|   sanitize_list_values (L116)                                       | COVERED |
|   parse_setup_cfg (L139)                                            | COVERED |
|   read_config_file (L173)                                           | COVERED |
| src/interrogate/ (module)                                | COVERED |
|   BaseInterrogateResult (L23)                                       | COVERED |
|     BaseInterrogateResult.perc_covered (L37)                        | COVERED |
|   InterrogateFileResult (L54)                                       | COVERED |
|     InterrogateFileResult.combine (L67)                             | COVERED |
|   InterrogateResults (L81)                                          | COVERED |
|     InterrogateResults.combine (L93)                                | COVERED |
|   InterrogateCoverage (L101)                                        | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._add_common_exclude (L121)                  | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._filter_files (L128)                        | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage.get_filenames_from_paths (L141)             | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._filter_nodes (L168)                        | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._filter_inner_nested (L194)                 | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._get_file_coverage (L203)                   | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._get_coverage (L231)                        | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage.get_coverage (L248)                         | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._get_filename (L253)                        | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._get_detailed_row (L264)                    | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._create_detailed_table (L281)               | COVERED |
|       InterrogateCoverage._create_detailed_table._sort_nodes (L288) | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._print_detailed_table (L315)                | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._create_summary_table (L338)                | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._print_summary_table (L381)                 | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._sort_results (L399)                        | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._get_header_base (L429)                     | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._print_omitted_file_count (L438)            | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage.print_results (L469)                        | COVERED |
| src/interrogate/ (module)                                   | COVERED |
|   parse_regex (L21)                                                 | COVERED |
|   smart_open (L40)                                                  | COVERED |
|   get_common_base (L60)                                             | COVERED |
|   OutputFormatter (L80)                                             | COVERED |
|     OutputFormatter.should_markup (L90)                             | COVERED |
|     OutputFormatter.set_detailed_markup (L105)                      | COVERED |
|     OutputFormatter.set_summary_markup (L129)                       | COVERED |
|     OutputFormatter._interrogate_line_formatter (L158)              | COVERED |
|     OutputFormatter.get_table_formatter (L226)                      | COVERED |
| src/interrogate/ (module)                                   | COVERED |
|   CovNode (L15)                                                     | COVERED |
|   CoverageVisitor (L44)                                             | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._has_doc (L58)                                  | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._visit_helper (L65)                             | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._is_nested_func (L112)                          | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._is_nested_cls (L121)                           | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._is_private (L133)                              | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._is_semiprivate (L141)                          | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._is_ignored_common (L151)                       | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._has_property_decorators (L168)                 | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._has_setters (L182)                             | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._is_func_ignored (L193)                         | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._is_class_ignored (L217)                        | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor.visit_Module (L221)                             | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor.visit_ClassDef (L228)                           | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor.visit_FunctionDef (L237)                        | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor.visit_AsyncFunctionDef (L246)                   | COVERED |
| tests/functional/ (module)                               | COVERED |
| tests/functional/ (module)                               | COVERED |
|   runner (L22)                                                      | COVERED |
|   test_run_no_paths (L30)                                           | COVERED |
|   test_run_shortflags (L77)                                         | COVERED |
|   test_run_longflags (L106)                                         | COVERED |
|   test_run_multiple_flags (L124)                                    | COVERED |
|   test_generate_badge (L135)                                        | COVERED |
|   test_incompatible_options (L170)                                  | COVERED |
| tests/functional/ (module)                          | COVERED |
|   test_coverage_simple (L60)                                        | COVERED |
|   test_coverage_errors (L73)                                        | COVERED |
|   test_print_results (L101)                                         | COVERED |
|   test_print_results_omit_covered (L130)                            | COVERED |
|   test_print_results_omit_none (L156)                               | COVERED |
|   test_print_results_omit_all_summary (L174)                        | COVERED |
|   test_print_results_omit_all_detailed (L198)                       | COVERED |
|   test_print_results_ignore_module (L226)                           | COVERED |
|   test_print_results_single_file (L253)                             | COVERED |
| tests/unit/ (module)                                     | COVERED |
| tests/unit/ (module)                               | COVERED |
|   test_save_badge (L26)                                             | COVERED |
|   test_save_badge_windows (L50)                                     | COVERED |
|   test_save_badge_no_cairo (L62)                                    | COVERED |
|   test_get_badge (L73)                                              | COVERED |
|   test_should_generate (L96)                                        | COVERED |
|   test_get_color (L115)                                             | COVERED |
|   test_create (L136)                                                | COVERED |
| tests/unit/ (module)                                  | COVERED |
|   test_find_project_root (L29)                                      | COVERED |
|   test_find_project_config (L48)                                    | COVERED |
|   test_parse_pyproject_toml (L57)                                   | COVERED |
|   test_sanitize_list_values (L93)                                   | COVERED |
|   test_parse_setup_cfg (L98)                                        | COVERED |
|   test_parse_setup_cfg_raises (L123)                                | COVERED |
|   test_read_config_file_none (L134)                                 | COVERED |
|   test_read_config_file (L193)                                      | COVERED |
|   test_read_config_file_raises (L207)                               | COVERED |
| tests/unit/ (module)                                   | COVERED |
|   test_parse_regex (L32)                                            | COVERED |
|   test_smart_open (L39)                                             | COVERED |
|   test_get_common_base (L69)                                        | COVERED |
|   test_get_common_base_windows (L100)                               | COVERED |
|   test_output_formatter_should_markup (L132)                        | COVERED |
|   test_output_formatter_set_detailed_markup (L163)                  | COVERED |
|   test_output_formatter_set_summary_markup (L206)                   | COVERED |
|   test_output_formatter_interrogate_line_formatter (L258)           | COVERED |
|   test_output_formatter_interrogate_line_formatter_windows (L319)   | COVERED |
|   test_output_formatter_get_table_formatter (L343)                  | COVERED |
|   test_output_formatter_get_table_formatter_py38 (L381)             | COVERED |
|   test_output_formatter_get_table_formatter_raises (L395)           | COVERED |

------------------------------------ Summary ------------------------------------
| Name                                  |   Total |   Miss |   Cover |   Cover% |
| src/interrogate/           |       1 |      0 |       1 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/           |       1 |      0 |       1 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/          |       6 |      0 |       6 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/                |       2 |      0 |       2 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/             |       8 |      0 |       8 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/           |      27 |      0 |      27 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/              |      10 |      0 |      10 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/              |      18 |      0 |      18 |     100% |
| tests/functional/          |       1 |      0 |       1 |     100% |
| tests/functional/          |       8 |      0 |       8 |     100% |
| tests/functional/     |      10 |      0 |      10 |     100% |
| tests/unit/                |       1 |      0 |       1 |     100% |
| tests/unit/          |       8 |      0 |       8 |     100% |
| tests/unit/             |      10 |      0 |      10 |     100% |
| tests/unit/              |      13 |      0 |      13 |     100% |
| TOTAL                                 |     124 |      0 |     124 |   100.0% |
---------------- RESULT: PASSED (minimum: 80.0%, actual: 100.0%) ----------------

Other Usage

Generate a <>_ badge (like this one! |interrogate-badge| ):

.. code-block:: console

$ interrogate --generate-badge PATH
RESULT: PASSED (minimum: 80.0%, actual: 100.0%)
Generated badge to /Users/lynn/dev/interrogate/docs/_static/interrogate_badge.svg

See below <#badge-options>_ for more badge configuration.

Add it to your tox.ini file to enforce a level of coverage:

.. code-block:: ini

deps = interrogate
skip_install = true
commands =
    interrogate --quiet --fail-under 95 src tests

Or use it with pre-commit <>_:

.. code-block:: yaml

  - repo:
    rev: 1.7.0  # or master if you're bold
      - id: interrogate
        args: [--quiet, --fail-under=95]
        pass_filenames: false  # needed if excluding files with pyproject.toml or setup.cfg

Use it within your code directly:

.. code-block:: pycon

>>> from interrogate import coverage
>>> cov = coverage.InterrogateCoverage(paths=["src"])
>>> results = cov.get_coverage()
>>> results
InterrogateResults(total=68, covered=65, missing=3)

Use interrogate with GitHub Actions <>. Check out the action <> written & maintained by Jack McKew <>_ (thank you, Jack!).

Or use interrogate in VSCode with the interrogate extension <>_ written & maintained by Kenneth Love <>_ (thank you, Kenneth!).


Configure within your pyproject.toml (interrogate will automatically detect a pyproject.toml file and pick up default values for the command line options):

.. code-block:: console

$ interrogate -c pyproject.toml [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...

.. code-block:: toml

ignore-init-method = false
ignore-init-module = false
ignore-magic = false
ignore-semiprivate = false
ignore-private = false
ignore-property-decorators = false
ignore-module = false
ignore-nested-functions = false
ignore-nested-classes = false
ignore-setters = false
ignore-overloaded-functions = false
fail-under = 80
# example values
exclude = ["", "docs", "build"]
# example regex
ignore-regex = ["^get$", "^mock_.*", ".*BaseClass.*"]
ext = []
# possible values: sphinx (default), google
style = sphinx
# possible values: 0 (minimal output), 1 (-v), 2 (-vv)
verbose = 0
quiet = false
whitelist-regex = []
color = true
omit-covered-files = false
# output file logation
generate-badge = "."
badge-format = "svg"

Or configure within your setup.cfg (interrogate will automatically detect a setup.cfg file and pick up default values for the command line options):

.. code-block:: console

$ interrogate -c setup.cfg [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...

.. code-block:: ini

ignore-init-method = false
ignore-init-module = false
ignore-magic = false
ignore-semiprivate = false
ignore-private = false
ignore-property-decorators = false
ignore-module = false
ignore-nested-functions = false
ignore-nested-classes = false
ignore-setters = false
ignore-overloaded-functions = false
fail-under = 80
; example values
exclude =,docs,build
; example regex
ignore-regex = ^get$,^mock_.*,.*BaseClass.*
ext = []
; possible values: sphinx (default), google
style = sphinx
; possible values: 0 (minimal output), 1 (-v), 2 (-vv)
verbose = 0
quiet = false
whitelist-regex =
color = true
omit-covered-files = false
; output file logation
generate-badge = .
badge-format = svg

.. warning::

The use of ``setup.cfg`` is not recommended unless for very simple use cases. ``.cfg`` files use a different parser than ``pyproject.toml`` which might cause hard to track down problems. When possible, it is recommended to use ``pyproject.toml`` to define your interrogate configuration.

.. _badge-opts:

Badge Options

Badge Format

The default file format is svg. Use the --badge-format flag to create a png file instead. Note: interrogate must be installed with interrogate[png] in order to generate png files (see above <#extras>_).

.. code-block:: console

$ interrogate --generate-badge PATH --badge-format png
RESULT: PASSED (minimum: 80.0%, actual: 100.0%)
Generated badge to /Users/lynn/dev/interrogate/docs/_static/interrogate_badge.png

Badge Style

The following badge styles are available via the --badge-style flag:

+------------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | option | example | +====================================+================================+ | flat | |flat-example| | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | flat-square | |flat-square-example| | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | flat-square-modified (default) | |interrogate-badge| | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | for-the-badge | |for-the-badge-example| | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | plastic | |plastic-example| | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | social | |social-example| | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------+

.. end-readme

Command Line Options

To view all options available, run interrogate --help:

.. code-block:: console

interrogate -h
Usage: interrogate [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...

  Measure and report on documentation coverage in Python modules.

  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  -v, --verbose                   Level of verbosity.

                                  NOTE: When configuring verbosity in
                                  pyproject.toml or setup.cfg, `verbose=1`
                                  maps to `-v`, and `verbose=2` maps to `-vv`.
                                  `verbose=0` is the equivalent of no verbose
                                  flags used, producing minimal output.
  -q, --quiet                     Do not print output  [default: False]
  -f, --fail-under INT | FLOAT    Fail when coverage % is less than a given
                                  amount.  [default: 80.0]

  -e, --exclude PATH              Exclude PATHs of files and/or directories.
                                  Multiple `-e/--exclude` invocations

  -i, --ignore-init-method        Ignore `__init__` method of classes.
                                  [default: False]

  -I, --ignore-init-module        Ignore `` modules.  [default:

  -m, --ignore-magic              Ignore all magic methods of classes.
                                  [default: False]

                                  NOTE: This does not include the `__init__`
                                  method. To ignore `__init__` methods, use

  -M, --ignore-module             Ignore module-level docstrings.  [default:

  -n, --ignore-nested-functions   Ignore nested functions and methods.
                                  [default: False]

  -C, --ignore-nested-classes     Ignore nested classes.  [default: False]

  -O, --ignore-overloaded-functions
                                  Ignore `@typing.overload`-decorated functions.
                                  [default: False]

  -p, --ignore-private            Ignore private classes, methods, and
                                  functions starting with two underscores.
                                  [default: False]

                                  NOTE: This does not include magic methods;
                                  use `--ignore-magic` and/or `--ignore-init-
                                  method` instead.

  -P, --ignore-property-decorators
                                  Ignore methods with property setter/getter/deleter
                                  decorators.  [default: False]

  -S, --ignore-setters            Ignore methods with property setter
                                  decorators.  [default: False]

  -s, --ignore-semiprivate        Ignore semiprivate classes, methods, and
                                  functions starting with a single underscore.
                                  [default: False]

  -r, --ignore-regex STR          Regex identifying class, method, and
                                  function names to ignore. Multiple
                                  `-r/--ignore-regex` invocations supported.

  --ext                           Include Python-like files with the given
                                  extension (supported: ``pyi``). Multiple
                                  `--ext` invocations supported.

  -w, --whitelist-regex STR       Regex identifying class, method, and
                                  function names to include. Multiple
                                  `-w/--whitelist-regex` invocations

  --style [sphinx|google]         Style of docstrings to honor. Using `google`
                                  will consider a class and its `__init__`
                                  method both covered if there is either a
                                  class-level docstring, or an `__init__`
                                  method docstring, instead of enforcing both.
                                  Mutually exclusive with `-i`/`--ignore-init`
                                  flag.  [default: sphinx]

  -o, --output FILE               Write output to a given FILE.  [default:

  --color / --no-color            Toggle color output on/off when printing to
                                  stdout.  [default: True]

  --omit-covered-files            Omit reporting files that have 100%
                                  documentation coverage. This option is
                                  ignored if verbosity is not set.  [default:

  -g, --generate-badge PATH       Generate a '' status badge (an SVG
                                  image) in at a given file or directory. Will
                                  not generate a badge if results did not
                                  change from an existing badge of the same

  --badge-format [svg|png]        File format for the generated badge. Used
                                  with the `-g/--generate-badge` flag.
                                  [default: svg]

                                  NOTE: To generate a PNG file, interrogate
                                  must be installed with `interrogate[png]`,
                                  i.e. `pip install interrogate[png]`.

  --badge-style [flat|flat-square|flat-square-modified|for-the-badge|plastic|social]
                                  Desired style of badge. Used with
                                  the `-g/--generate-badge` flag. [default:

  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.
  -c, --config FILE               Read configuration from `pyproject.toml` or

.. start-uses-this

Users of Interrogate

  • attrs <>_
  • OpenMMLab <>_'s ecosystem
  • pyjanitor <>_
  • klio <>_

Interrogate in the Wild

  • Why You Should Document Your Tests <>_ by Hynek Schlawack <>_
  • Episode #181: It's time to interrogate your Python code <>_ - PythonBytes podcast <>_

.. end-uses-this

.. start-credits


.. role:: smol

interrogate was inspired by |docstr-coverage|, which was forked from Alexey "DataGreed" Strelkov's |docstring-coverage|, which was inspired by a 2004 recipe from James Harlow <>_ :smol:(turtles...).

The cute |sloth| logo is by JustineW <>_ purchased via the Noun Project <>_ (but also available under the Creative Commons License <>_ with attribution).

.. |interrogate-badge| image:: .. |flat-example| image:: .. |flat-square-example| image:: .. |for-the-badge-example| image:: .. |plastic-example| image:: .. |social-example| image:: .. |sloth| image::

.. |docstr-coverage| replace:: docstr-coverage .. _docstr-coverage: .. |docstring-coverage| replace:: docstring-coverage .. _docstring-coverage:

.. end-credits

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Interrogate" Project. README Source: econchick/interrogate
Open Issues
Last Commit
1 week ago

Open Source Agenda Badge

Open Source Agenda Rating