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Assorted immutable collection datatypes for Rust


1 year ago


  • HashSet now implements From<Vector<A>> and From<&Vector<A>> where A: Clone.

  • Fixed

  • Fixed a long standing crash bug in OrdMap/OrdSet. (#154, #143, #152, #124)

  • The union method on maps/sets will now prefer to mutate the larger set (which leads to less work) rather than the first set. (#163)

  • Ensure TreeFocus only implements Send/Sync when the underlying type does. (#157, #158)

  • There was an issue where nodes in very large OrdMaps could overflow when removing an element and cause a panic, which has now been fixed. (#141)

  • Assorted doc cleanup. (#150, #173, #186, #194)


3 years ago


  • Map iterators now return (&K, &V) and (&K, &mut V) respectively, to be consistent with std::collections's API. DiffIter for OrdMap has also changed in the same manner. (#121)


  • The pool feature flag has been removed from the im version of the crate, as refpool no longer supports threadsafe pools.
  • HashSet::iter_mut() has been removed, because if you modify the hashed values in a hash set, you break the hash set.


  • The pool feature flag was missing from the im-rc version of the crate, which is the version where it's actually useful. It's been added now.
  • DiffIter now has a Debug implementation.
  • There is now a Vector::is_inline() method to determine whether a Vector is currently inlined. (#129)


  • A smarter implementation of the sorting algorithm for Vector has improved the performance of Vector::sort by approximately 2x. (#126)


4 years ago


  • proptest strategies have been moved to im::proptest. The previous locations of the strategies (im::vector::proptest etc) are still available, but have been deprecated.


  • OrdSet and OrdMap now have get_prev and get_next methods (with equivalent get_prev_mut and get_next_mut methods for OrdMap) which will return the closest key match to the requested key in the specified direction if the key isn't in the set. (#95)
  • The retain method, inexplicably missing from HashMap but not HashSet, has been added. (#120)
  • The get_mut method on OrdMap was, equally inexplicably, private. It has now been made public.


4 years ago

[14.2.0] - 2020-01-17


  • Both map types now have the get_key_value() method, corresponding to the equivalent additions to the standard library.
  • The ptr_eq method has been added to all data types, allowing you to test whether two values refer to the same content in memory, by testing for pointer equality. (#117)
  • HashMap had lost its Arbitrary implementation for the quickcheck feature flag. It's now been restored. (#118)
  • Implementations for Arbitrary from the arbitrary crate have been added behind the arbitrary feature flag.


  • Fixed a bug when reversing a consuming iterator over a Vector by replacing the consuming iterator with a much simpler and slightly more efficient version. (#116)


4 years ago


  • If you enable the pool feature flag, im now supports constructing data types using refpool to speed up chunk allocation. The performance boost will vary between use cases and operating systems, but generally at least a 10% speedup can be expected when constructing a data type from an iterator, and the more complex an operation is, the more likely it is to benefit from being able to quickly reallocate chunks. Note that in order to use this feature, you have to construct your data types using the with_pool(&pool) constructor, it's not enough just to enable the feature flag.


4 years ago


  • As sized-chunks now requires a slightly more recent version of rustc to compile, specifically version 1.36.0, so does im. This is a breaking change, but will of course only affect your code if you're using an older rustc.


  • Fixed a quadratic time worst case scenario in the quicksort implementation for Vector. (#101)
  • Fixed an edge case bug when splitting and joining large Vectors. (#105, #107)


4 years ago

The minimum supported Rust version is now 1.34.0.


  • im::iter::unfold now gives you the owned state value rather than an immutable reference to it, which makes it a little more useful.


  • The deprecated singleton constructors have been removed. Please use unit instead.
  • The deprecated methods Vector::chunks and Vector::chunks_mut have been removed in favour of Vector::leaves and Vector::leaves_mut respectively. (#50)
  • The deprecated reference to sized-chunks has been removed. If you need it, please use the sized-chunks crate directly.
  • im::iter::unfold_mut has been removed, as there's no meaningful difference between it and rust-std 1.34.0's std::iter::from_fn with a captured state variable.


  • Vector now uses sized_chunks::InlineArray instead of an Empty enum case to avoid allocation at very small sizes, letting you store a handful of elements on the stack before needing to grow into a full chunk. This has a beneficial effect on performance as well, as there's no pointer into the heap to dereference, making it faster than std::vec::Vec in this configuration.
  • Some complexity timings have been added and corrected. (#87)
  • OrdSet::is_subset(&self, other) now returns immediately when self is larger than other and thus could not possibly be a subset of it. (#87)


5 years ago


  • Clone constraints have been further relaxed on maps and sets, so that you can now lookup and iterate over them without requiring a Clone constraint (though you do still need Clone to actually insert data into them to lookup or iterate over). (#81)


  • Enforces the latest bugfix release of sized-chunks. (#78)
  • Another edge case bugfix to Vector's size table handling. (#79)


5 years ago


  • A number of issues were fixed where Vector's size table would get out of sync with the node structure if exercised too much and cause erroneous behaviour. (#72, #74)
  • Comprehensive generative tests were added to test all data structures through more unexpected code paths.


5 years ago


  • Clone constraints on all data structures, as well as relevant constraints on maps and sets, have been relaxed where possible, so that you can now construct empty instances and call most query methods without requiring values implement Clone etc. (#63)


  • Constructing an empty Vector will not allocate any heap memory, instead deferring allocation until you perform an operation that would increase its length. (#65)
  • Some bugs arising when using Vector::append repeatedly were fixed. (#67, #70)