Hyperx Versions Save

🏷 - tagged template string virtual dom builder


5 months ago

This release contains some fixes for long-standing parsing issues:

  • support direct descendant css selectors when parsing inline <style> tags. fixes #82
  • handle optional closing tags for self-closing tags. fixes #41
  • handle <style> tags that include attributes. fixes #82

Since these changes all modify parsing behavior it's prudent to bump the major package version.


5 years ago

Fix template parts inside comments (#75)

Now you can do:

    <!-- ${someElementThatIWantHidden()} -->

The someElementThatIWantHidden() call is still evaluated, but hyperx won't output it.


5 years ago

undefined or null attributes are no longer added as strings. (@s9k in #57, @JRJurman in #70)


5 years ago
  • Remove unused 'has' function (@YerkoPalma in #31)
  • Add .createFragment option (@finnp in #66)
  • Add React usage instructions to prevent key warnings (@Siilwyn in #72)