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Robotics tools in C++11. Implements soft real time arm drivers for Kuka LBR iiwa plus V-REP, ROS, Constrained Optimization based planning, Hand Eye Calibration and Inverse Kinematics integration.


7 years ago
  • Travis.yml continuous integration now runs and displays status in
  • logging is now done with faster and header only spdlog library instead of boost.log
  • Removed ZeroMQ and AZMQ dependencies
  • FRI CMake script intermittent errors resolved
  • KukaFRIClientDataTest is updated and runs efficiently for commanding kuka iiwa arms
  • KUKA Sunrise OS 1.11 supported
  • Inverse Kinematics constrained optimization driver can update position based on arm sensors
  • Many linux setup steps automated with robotics_setup repository, see robotics_setup tag for 4.1.0

DOI If you use grl in research please consider providing a citation.


7 years ago
  • jrl-umi3218/Tasks library integration
    • Solve inverse kinematics problems in real time
    • Tasks can use more general constrained optimization optimization for problems like force control
  • Dramatically improved JAVA interface drivers
    • Communicates directly with UDP and Flatbuffers
    • Can receive robot status from the JAVA API
  • V-REP Upgraded to V3.3.2 rev3
  • ROS Kinetic support, indigo works too!

If you use grl in research please consider providing a citation: DOI

Special thanks to: Ashkan Khakzar @ashkaan372 for the UDP based JAVA driver implementation


7 years ago

grl was under the hood for the winnning entry to the KUKA Innovation Award 2016!

This release includes performance and stability improvements made during the course of preparing for the kuka innovation award. Workarounds include a brief hold position when switching between smart servo and cartesian impedance mode, and a separate thread for HandGuidingMotion objects which prevents the application from exiting due to exceptions thrown with an unknown source.


8 years ago

This release represents the largest set of new features ever released for grl, and it incorporates extensive testing of the APIs.

KUKA LBR iiwa R800 and R820

  • Supports Sunrise OS 1.9 with Connectivity Suite
  • Java based control of a kuka lbr iiwa been heavily tested and works well.
  • FRI based monitoring of a kuka works accurately with high performance

ROS Driver

The driver is called grl_kuka_ros_driver and supports ROS indigo with two unique1 features:

  • Publishes millisecond resolution ROS joint states (4ms by default) on your local machine
    • Lowest latency driver for monitoring the arm state available (at the time of release)
    • Up to an order of magnitude lower latency at 1,2,3,4 or 5 ms vs 10-200ms for other drivers
    • experimental support for low latency commanding of the arm over FRI
  • No need to modify internal settings of the controller box (other ROS drivers require this)
ROS iiwa_stack integration

grl can utilize the following iiwa_stack packages (quoted from their overview):

  • iiwa_control: contains the joint and trajectory controllers used by MoveIt! and Gazebo.
  • iiwa_description: URDF for both KUKA LBR IIWA R800 and R820.
  • iiwa_gazebo: launch files to run a Gazebo simulation.
  • iiwa_moveit: a MoveIt! configuration for controlling the robot (either a Gazebo simulation or a real one).

grl 3.0 particularly integrates with iiwa_stack commit b3ac4c3. Future versions may work too but haven't been tested.

Do not follow the iiwa_stack setup with iiwa_stack + grl in particular do not change the configuration of the KONI port on the robot, because this disables the low latency FRI features of grl. It is ok to follow the general C++ ROS setup and compilation steps. You can even add their java code to your Sunrise Project (it won't run because iiwa_stack currently requires the use of ports reserved by KUKA, this is why they disable FRI and reconfigure KONI).

New KUKA Sunrise OS + Connectivity Suite driver application to control the KUKA iiwa that installs onto the arm controller box. A C++ application on your computer interfaces with this driver.

  • Can start independently of C++ driver and wait for that driver to connect
  • Can safely switch between several modes at runtime as controlled by C++ driver:
    • MoveArmJointServo commands the arm in joint space over the sunrise java ethernet port
    • TeachArm initiates Hand guided motions
    • ShutdownArm exits the application
  • ProcessData menu on iiwa tablet lets you configure the target communication IP addresses and other configuration directly on your robot without modifying your installation
  • Designed to expand functionality (in the future) to support nearly every configuration available in the KUKA iiwa Java API's SmartServo, hand guidance, and FRI interfaces.

C++ Drivers

The C++ driver classes KukaDriver, KukaFRI, and KukaJAVA provide an easy to use interface you can port to your own system and middleware. In essence, these are the C++ driver classes other library authors should use. Typical users would most likely be better served by the V-REP drivers or the ROS drivers.

  • The grl C++ drivers depend only on boost, the C++ standard library, ZeroMQ, and google flatbuffers
  • C++ drivers have no dependencies on robot middleware such as ROS or V-REP
  • Streamlined debugged and simplified C++ drivers
  • KukaDriver provides an extremely simple interface
    • Supports all modes of
    • Drive the arm via the Java interface while monitor the arm state via the FRI interface
    • KukaFRIdriver
    • provides a simple, reliable interface realtime Fast Robot Interface
    • Improved instructions for building with the C++ FRI driver
    • receive updates and command motion via the realtime FRI interface with
    • selectable response times from 1-5 milliseconds
    • KukaJAVAdriver
    • No dependency on FRI cpp API
    • Send configuration and commands to the robot


Additional Details

Special thanks to:

  • @cpaxton for the ROS driver and other major contributions. Without Chris this release would not be possible!
  • @SalvoVirga and @marcoesposito1988 for writing their ROS iiwa_stack and switching the license to BSD. Their effort made the grl + iiwa_stack functionality possible!

completed task list

Here is a partial list of completed tasks incorporated into this release:

Sprint 4 - Cut file Integration, Project Checkpoint, Seminar Presentations Sprint 5 - Optical Tracker Integration the atracsys fusiontrack optical tracker API is not yet released publicly. Post an issue on github if you are interested.

Sprint 7 - Final system testing and Poster Session

Known issues

Due to the java driver may prevent applications from exiting. I will consider switching to directly using libzmq in the future if it is necessary.

1 Driver features are unique as far as the authors are aware at the time of release


8 years ago
  • kuka vrep driver can now successfully control the arm in JAVA mode
  • grl failed to compile on Ubuntu 14.04 because gcc4.9 and lower don't support C++11 shared_ptr atomics


9 years ago

Some outdated files had been merged and fixed a few bugs in the scripting and applications.