Freemocap Versions Save

Free Motion Capture for Everyone 💀✨


3 months ago

FreeMoCap 1.1.0

FreeMoCap 1.1.0 is a minor release with major impacts, including new features, workflow upgrades, and bug fixes. Below is a list of our new features:

Processing Pipeline Updates

  • YOLO Cropping: We've integrated a new pre-processing feature that utilizes YOLO cropping to significantly reduce false positives during tracking, especially enhancing the performance when using wide-angle cameras. See YOLO Cropping in our docs for more info.

  • Reprojection Error Filtering: We've added new post-processing step to filter and reprocess points with significant reprojection error. See Reprojection Error Filtering in our docs for more info.

  • More Multiprocessing Control: Previously, the multiprocessing feature (i.e. how many videos you're processing simultaneously) automatically started a process for each video in a recording, which was essentially an all-or-nothing approach. This default setting limited users with less powerful hardware from leveraging multiprocessing. We've introduced a customizable option that enables users to specify the exact number of processes they want to use when processing a recording - which should allow more users to take advantage of it. See Multiprocessing in our docs for more info.

  • GUI Updates: We've improved progress updates in the GUI, so it should be more apparent when processes are running. We've also updated our error handling and reporting throughout the program.

New Installation Methods

  • We are trying out PyApp as a method to create a non-CLI based installer
  • Please note that this is our first time bundling installers, so there will likely be issues when trying to install and run them. You can always download FreeMoCap from PyPI following our installation instructions. Some general and platform-specific notes about the installers are listed below:

‼️General Notes Before Using the Installer Executable:

  • This is and endgame solution, but it should be functional enough for the time being
  • The first time you open the [PyApp](executable, it will install the necessary environment to run FreeMoCap.
  • This means that an internet connection is required the first time you open FreeMoCap with the executable, but from then on, you can run it without internet connection.
  • Please note that the installation process will require roughly 3GB of available space
  • NOTE: This will take roughly 5-10 mins to install with no indication of installation. Please wait patiently :)
  • As the installers are still experimental they will likely be flagged by your OS security settings

Platform-Specific Notes:

  • Windows: The FreeMoCap installers do not work on Windows 11 yet. We're currently working towards getting the software approved by Windows as virus free, but it will take some time.

  • Mac: The single installer should work on both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs. To run the app, you will need to open the zip file and you will see the app, which you can drag to the Applications folder. The first time you open the app, it will tell you it is from an unidentified developer and ask if you would like to move it to the trash. Close out of that window, right click the app, click Open, and choose to open the file. Once you have done this once, you can open the app as normal in the future. For more information, see the official Apple documentation.

Deleting your FreeMoCap download, if necessary

To delete a version of FreeMoCap downloaded through an installer, you must delete both the executable/app file, and the PyApp file found in the path below. You can either delete the entire freemocap folder, or specific versions inside the folder.

Platform Path
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/pyapp
Windows %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\pyapp
Unix $XDG_DATA_HOME/pyapp (the XDG_DATA_HOME environment variable default is ~/.local/share)


5 months ago

There's all sorts of number bigger than 1 💫

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

There's all sorts of number after '1' ✨


1 year ago

Freezing the "Alpha GUI" code in preparation to merge branch: jon/full-refactor onto main.

Install dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt To launch the GUI with this version of the code - run src/gui/main/

What's Changed (Auto-generated changelog from clicking the "Generate release notes" button)

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

This is the Freemocap Pre-Alpha Release to create raw 3d skeletons from USB connected webcams

Here is the relevant README for this version of freemocap v0.0.54: