Flink Clickhouse Sink Save

Flink sink for Clickhouse

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Flink sink for ClickHouse database. Powered by Async Http Client.

High-performance library for loading data to ClickHouse.

It has two triggers for loading data: by timeout and by buffer size.

Version map
flink flink-clickhouse-sink
1.3.* 1.0.0
1.9.* 1.3.4
1.9.* 1.4.*


Maven Central



The flink-clickhouse-sink uses two parts of configuration properties: common and for each sink in you operators chain.

The common part (use like global):

clickhouse.sink.num-writers - number of writers, which build and send requests,

clickhouse.sink.queue-max-capacity - max capacity (batches) of blank's queue,

clickhouse.sink.timeout-sec - timeout for loading data,

clickhouse.sink.retries - max number of retries,

clickhouse.sink.failed-records-path- path for failed records,

clickhouse.sink.ignoring-clickhouse-sending-exception-enabled - required boolean parameter responsible for raising (false) or not (true) ClickHouse sending exception in main thread. if ignoring-clickhouse-sending-exception-enabled is true, exception while clickhouse sending is ignored and failed data automatically goes to the disk. if ignoring-clickhouse-sending-exception-enabled is false, clickhouse sending exception thrown in "main" thread (thread which called ClickhHouseSink::invoke) and data also goes to the disk.

The sink part (use in chain):

clickhouse.sink.target-table - target table in ClickHouse,

clickhouse.sink.max-buffer-size- buffer size.

In code

Configuration: global parameters

At first, you add global parameters for the Flink environment:

StreamExecutionEnvironment environment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.createLocalEnvironment();
Map<String, String> globalParameters = new HashMap<>();

// ClickHouse cluster properties
globalParameters.put(ClickHouseClusterSettings.CLICKHOUSE_HOSTS, ...);
globalParameters.put(ClickHouseClusterSettings.CLICKHOUSE_USER, ...);
globalParameters.put(ClickHouseClusterSettings.CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD, ...);

// sink common
globalParameters.put(ClickHouseSinkConst.TIMEOUT_SEC, ...);
globalParameters.put(ClickHouseSinkConst.FAILED_RECORDS_PATH, ...);
globalParameters.put(ClickHouseSinkConst.NUM_WRITERS, ...);
globalParameters.put(ClickHouseSinkConst.NUM_RETRIES, ...);
globalParameters.put(ClickHouseSinkConst.QUEUE_MAX_CAPACITY, ...);
globalParameters.put(ClickHouseSinkConst.IGNORING_CLICKHOUSE_SENDING_EXCEPTION_ENABLED, ...);

// set global paramaters
ParameterTool parameters = ParameterTool.fromMap(buildGlobalParameters(config));


The main thing: the clickhouse-sink works with events in String (ClickHouse insert format, like CSV) format. You have to convert your event to csv format (like usual insert into a database).

For example, you have an event-pojo:

class A {
   public final String str;
   public final int integer;
   public A(String str, int i){
       this.str = str;
       this.integer = i;

You have to implement a converter to csv, using

public interface ClickHouseSinkConverter<T> {

You convert the pojo like this:

import ru.ivi.opensource.flinkclickhousesink.ClickHouseSinkConverter;

public class YourEventConverter implements ClickHouseSinkConverter<A>{
    public String convert(A record){
     StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

     // add a.str
     builder.append("', ");

     // add a.integer
     builder.append(" )");
     return builder.toString();

And then add your sink to the chain:

// create table props for sink
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put(ClickHouseSinkConst.TARGET_TABLE_NAME, "your_table");
props.put(ClickHouseSinkConst.MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, "10000");

// converter
YourEventConverter converter = new YourEventConverter();       

// build chain
DataStream<YourEvent> dataStream = ...;
dataStream.addSink(new ClickHouseSink(props, converter))
          .name("your_table ClickHouse sink);


  • reading files from "failed-records-path"
  • migrate to gradle
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Flink Clickhouse Sink" Project. README Source: ivi-ru/flink-clickhouse-sink
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Last Commit
4 months ago

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