Drab Versions Save

Remote controlled frontend framework for Phoenix.


5 years ago

What could possibly go wrong?

(bugfix release)


5 years ago

Drab is now blessed and tested to work with Pheonix 1.4. Plus bugfixes.


5 years ago

This is a maintenance release: few bugfixes.


5 years ago

This is a slow evolution release, containing a number of bug fixes and a few new features:

  • Cookies function in Drab.Browser
iex> set_cookie(socket, "mycookie", "value", max_age: 10)
{:ok, "mycookie=value; expires=Thu, 19 Jul 2018 19:47:09 GMT"}

iex> Drab.Browser.cookies(socket, decoder: Drab.Coder.Cipher)
{:ok, %{"other" => 42, "mycookie" => "value"}}
  • Drab.{Live, Core, Element, Modal} functions accept %Phoenix.HTML.Safe{}

That means you don't need to call safe_to_string/1 anymore, just pass the safe:

html = ~E"<strong><%= nick %>:</strong> <%= message %><br>"
broadcast_insert socket, "#chat", :beforeend, html
  • Tested with Elixir 1.7

Drab is now blessed to work with Elixir 1.7 and OTP 21.


5 years ago

Drab.Modal is not dependent on Drab.Query anymore, and does not require jQuery to run! You may now use it out of the box, with standard Phoenix installation. Works with both Bootstrap 3 and 4, while Bootstrap 3 is used by default. In case you want to use Bootstrap 4, configure it with:

config :drab, :modal_css, :boostrap4

Drab.Modal is now loaded by default, as it became the part of Standard Drab Modules.

Also changed the Drab store storage, now it is encrypted, not only signed.

Templates for modal and buttons have been changed!

If you are already using the custom templates for modal of for the button, please read the documentation and update them.


5 years ago

This release finally introduces the final API. There is no intention to change it, unless very significant errors are found.

If you are using Drab already, prepare for the changes in the configuration and also in the code.

Drab.Live API changed

As described in #127, API has changed. The most painful change is Drab.Live.peek, as it now returns {:ok, value} or {:error, why}. Raising Drab.Live.peek is for convinience.

Drab.Live.poke returns tuple now as well, to catch update errors or disconnections.

Redesigned Drab.Config

Since this version, Drab is no longer configured globally. This means that you may use it in the multiple endpoints environments. This requires configuration API change. Most of the Drab options are now located under the endpoint module:

config :drab, MyAppWeb.Endpoint,
  otp_app: :my_app_web,

The endpoint and application name are mandatory.

However, there are still few global options, like :enable_live_scripts. Please read Drab.Config documentation for more information.

Do You Want to Know More?

More API changes

All functions returning {:timeout, description} now return just {:error, :timeout}.

Undeclared handler or shared commander raises

All handlers must now be strictly declared by using Drab.Commander.defhandler or Drab.Commander.public macro.

defhandler my_handler(socket, payload), do: ..


public :my_handler
def my_handler(socket, payload), do: ...

The same is with shared commanders, if you want to use it, declare it with Drab.Controller:

use Drab.Controller, commanders: [My.Shared.Commander]

Hard depreciations of various functions

  • Drab.Client.js/2
  • Drab.run_handler()
  • Drab.Browser.console!/2
  • Drab.Browser.redirect_to!/2
  • Drab.Core.broadcast_js!/2

drab-event and drab-handler combination no longer exists

The existing syntax drab-event and drab-handler is removed. Please use the new syntax of:

<tag drab="event:handler">
<input drab="focus:input_focus blur:input_blur"
<input drab-focus="input_focus" drab-blur="input_blur">

Do You Want to Know More?

Updating from <= v0.8.3



config :drab, main_phoenix_app: :my_app_web, endpoint: MyAppWeb.Endpoint


config :drab, MyAppWeb.Endpoint, otp_app: :my_app_web

Most of the configuration options now must be placed under the endpoint. Please read Drab.Config documentation for more info.


5 years ago

This version brings two useful features: presence and ability to subscribe to topics in the runtime.

Upgrading from =< 0.8.2

Please ensure you have set :main_phoenix_app in your config.exs. The way how Drab is searching for the Phoenix app it is working on, has been changed.

Subscribe and unsubscribe from external topics in a runtime

Finally, you are not limited to the compile-time topic you’ve set with broadcasting/1 macro in the commander. Now you can subscribe/2 to the external topic, receiving broadcasts sent to it.

subscribe(socket, same_action(MyApp.MyController, :index))
subscribe(socket, same_topic("user_#{user_id}"))


Conveniences for Phoenix.Presence If configured (it is disabled by default), tracks the user presence on the topic. The following example shows the number of connected users, live:

defmodule MyAppWeb.MyCommander
  use Drab.Commander

  broadcasting "global"
  onconnect :connected
  ondisconnect :disconnected

  def connected(socket) do
    broadcast_html socket, "#number_of_users", Drab.Presence.count_users(socket)

  def disconnected(_store, _session) do
    topic = same_topic("global")
    broadcast_html topic, "#number_of_users", Drab.Presence.count_users(topic)

By default, presence map key is set as a browser UUID (which is shamelessly stored in the local store in the browser), but it may be also any session value. This may be useful, if you have the user_id already in the session, just configure it:

config :drab, :presence, id: :user_id

Updated enable/disable when processing behaviour

After launching an event from the page, the control (button) is disable until processing stops. Now it is even better, as it recognizes previously disabled controls (#146).


5 years ago

This version is a preparation for v0.9.0, which is going to bring API changes, as described in #127.

  • new functions in Drab.Element (#134, #135)
  • new Drab.Coder for encoding terms to string (#137)
  • new js_socket_constructor config (#133), useful when using Drab with Webpack
  • all assigns are now peekable (#126)
  • broadcast_poke now gets subject, not only socket (under some limitations) (#141)
  • preserve csrf token if poke updates the form (fix for #130)


5 years ago

Very important role of Drab is to encourage beginners to try out Elixir |> Phoenix |> Drab. The goal is to have an environment, which is less scary than others, like ruby.rails.ajax. This is why all the configuration stuff should be minimized (but with options for power users).

mix drab.install

Bug Fixes

Again, Drab.Live engine has been redesigned to solve existing and future issues.


5 years ago

Potentially breaking release!

Drab.Live engine has been redesigned again. No more stupid DETS cache anymore. Drab engine now creates modules for each template, and stores metadata compiled there.

Elixir version

Bumped to 1.6, because of the changes in the EEx Engine

Migration from 0.7.7

rm priv/drab.live.cache
mix clean

Bug fixes

Many. See closed issues!