Dai.js Versions Save


3 years ago

This release updates the plugin to be compatible with dai-plugin-mcd 1.5.0.


3 years ago

Now that dai-plugin-scd exists and has been modified to refer to SAI (see docs), there is no longer any reason for this plugin to avoid referring to DAI. So it has been changed to export DAI instead of MDAI.


3 years ago

BREAKING CHANGE: Single-collateral Dai functionality has been split off into a separate plugin. If you update to this version and you need to interact with the Single-collateral system, you must install @makerdao/dai-plugin-scd and inject it into your Maker instance as you would with any other plugin. See docs.makerdao.com/dai.js for more instructions.


4 years ago

Updated web3 dependency to 1.2.6 -- thanks @kraikov for suggesting it in #217


4 years ago

Adds support for mainnet MCD contracts


4 years ago
  • Adds support for mainnet migrations
  • Adds DaiToSai migration
  • Adds payFeeWithGem option: migration.execute(migration.execute(cdpId, 'GEM', maxPayAmount)
    • maxPayAmount (number) is the max pay amount for the Oasis trade that buys MKR with SAI
    • returns new MCD CDP ID


4 years ago

Adds support for CDP migrations with new debt as the fee payment method:

migration.execute(cdpId, 'DEBT', maxPayAmount, minRatio)

  • Max pay amount is the maximum amount of Dai debt to use as payment, since the contract buys MKR on Oasis (number)
  • Minimum ratio is the lowest possible collateralization ratio to allow the CDP to hit when drawing new debt to pay the fee (number, e.g. 180)
  • Returns new MCD CDP ID


4 years ago

Updates plugin to the final version of the mcd code at dss-deploy-scripts v0.2.17


4 years ago

Updates contracts to mcd-v0.2.16

Breaking change: Removes support-by-default for collateral types that will not be included immediately in mcd


4 years ago

Updates contracts to mcd-v0.2.16