Complex Js Versions Save

JavaScript Complex Math


8 years ago

This update has improved the performance of functions generated by Complex.parseFunction() by attempting to compile sub-groups as constant expressions. For example:


used to compile to the JavaScript


It now compiles simply to:


The compiler is now also case-sensitive, allowing differentiation between the variables a and A in an expression.

One minor update is the imaginary component of the Complex() constructor is now optional.


8 years ago

Can now be more readily included in client-side environments using bower and/or requirejs.


9 years ago

The compiler has been updated to provide stricter compilation with more informative errors, and a minor bug-fix involving a misinterpretation during the parsing of any group of numbers in exponential format. Other updates:

  • rDivBy and divBy renamed torDiv and div respectfully
  • symbolic operators added


9 years ago

This release now runs the library in strict mode for higher performance. The real operators rAdd, rSub, rMult, rDivBy, rMod, and rPow have been added. Two changes are NOT backwards compatible:

  • pow is renamed to rPow
  • cPow is renamed to pow


9 years ago

Though the previous release (1.1.1) is completely stable, this version has completely reformatted the code to be significantly more readable. One major update that is NOT backwards compatible:

  • Some Complex constants have been renamed


9 years ago

Added Methods

  • Complex.prototype.equals
  • Complex.prototype.real
  • Complex.prototype.imag
  • Complex.prototype.abs
  • Complex.prototype.arg
  • Complex.norm
  • Complex.iPart

Removed with statement from Complex.parseFunction

Removed all continue statements

Added explicit block statements for all one-line if, else, for, and while statements to clarify control-flow


9 years ago

Documentation has been updated in uncompressed file to more standardized format. toString method now optimizes display of cartesian output.


9 years ago

Updated float parsing rules and added gamma and factorial functions to the library. Also stabilized generated function scopes in Node.js environment.


9 years ago