Codeformatter Versions Save

Tool that uses Roslyn to automatically rewrite the source to follow our coding styles


5 years ago

This is the most recent release of the CodeFormatter which enforces the majority of .NET Foundation coding guidelines.

It now supports C# 7.3 and MSBuild 15.0 SDK-based projects.


8 years ago

This is the most recent release of the CodeFormatter which enforces the majority of .NET Foundation coding guidelines.

  • Has the updated .NET license headers
  • Has new features with commandline:
CodeFormatter [/file:<filename>] [/lang:<language>] [/c:<config>[,<config>...]>]
    [/copyright:<file> | /nocopyright] [/tables] [/nounicode] 
    [/rule(+|-):rule1,rule2,...]  [/verbose]
    <project, solution or response file>
    /file        - Only apply changes to files with specified name
    /lang        - Specifies the language to use when a responsefile is
                   specified. i.e. 'C#', 'Visual Basic', ... (default: 'C#')
    /c           - Additional preprocessor configurations the formatter
                   should run under.
    /copyright   - Specifies file containing copyright header.
                   Use ConvertTests to convert MSTest tests to xUnit.
    /nocopyright - Do not update the copyright message.
    /tables      - Let tables opt out of formatting by defining
    /nounicode   - Do not convert unicode strings to escape sequences
    /rule(+|-)   - Enable (default) or disable the specified rule
    /rules       - List the available rules
    /verbose     - Verbose output


9 years ago

This is the most recent release of the CodeFormatter which enforces the majority of .NET Foundation coding guidelines.


9 years ago

This is the most recent release of the CodeFormatter which enforces the majority of .NET Foundation coding guidelines.


9 years ago

This is the most recent release of the CodeFormatter which enforces the majority of .NET Foundation coding guidelines.


  • #50: Cleanup batch file
  • #51: Add error handling if MSBuild 14 is missing


9 years ago

This is the most recent release of the CodeFormatter which enforces the majority of .NET Foundation coding guidelines


9 years ago

This release of CodeFormatter supports the following functionality:

  1. Basic formatting required to conform to .NET coding guidelines.
  2. Convert MSTest based tests to Xunit with simple direct relationships
  3. Filter files
  4. Support project files along with sln files