CodeEditorView Versions Save

SwiftUI code editor view for iOS, visionOS, and macOS


2 months ago

This release has CodeEditor ported to run on top of TextKit 2, which improves performance and adds support for the minimap on iOS. Moreover, visionOS is now explicitly supported.

NB: Due to changes in TextKit 2 in recent OS versions, this release requires macOS 14 and iOS 17. For older OS version, you can still use Release v0.12.0.


6 months ago

This release adds more language service support, including support for code completion.

NB: This is the last version based on TextKit 1.


10 months ago

With this release layout (especially during resizing on macOS) and performance is significantly improved. Moreover, the following features were added:

  • Text may be either wrapped (default) or the code view is horizontally scrollable. This is controlled via the LayoutConfiguration passed to the code view.
  • First pieces of support for an external language service (such as an LSP server). So far, information lookups are fully supported (e.g., the kind of information produced by an LSP hover request). Semantic tokens are partially implemented — the extra highlighting is missing, see #70.

Finally, there are the obligatory bug fixes.

NB: The location data type changed. This is an (easy to fix) breaking change.


2 years ago

What's Changed

  • Added layout configuration
  • LanguageConfiguration exposes most helpers
  • Added support for tracking and restoring edit positions (selections and scroll position)
  • Various bug fixes and performance improvements


2 years ago

This is the initial release of this new package. It is not production ready yet, but already includes a substantial amount of advanced and solid functionality.