Clojure Humanize Save

Produce human readable strings in clojure

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A Clojure(script) library to produce human-readable strings for numbers, dates, and more based on similar libraries in other languages



Takes a number and return a full written string form. For example, 23237897 will be written as "twenty-three million two hundred and thirty-seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven".

user> (require '[clj-commons.humanize :as h])

user> (h/numberword 3567)
"three thousand five hundred and sixty-seven"

user> (h/numberword 25223)
"twenty-five thousand two hundred and twenty-three"

user> (h/numberword 23237897)
"twenty-three million two hundred and thirty-seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven"


Converts an integer to a string containing commas every three digits.

user>  (h/intcomma 1000)

user>  (h/intcomma 10123)

user>  (h/intcomma 10311)

user>  (h/intcomma 1000000)


Converts a large integer to a friendly text representation. Works best for numbers over 1 million. For example, 1000000 becomes '1.0 million', 1200000 becomes '1.2 million' and '1200000000' becomes '1.2 billion'. Supports up to decillion (33 digits) and googol (100 digits).

user>  (h/intword 2000000000)
"2.0 billion"

user>  (h/intword 6000000000000)
"6.0 trillion"

user>  (h/intword 3500000000000000000000N)
"3.5 sextillion"

user>  (h/intword 8100000000000000000000000000000000N)
"8.1 decillion"


Converts an integer to its ordinal as a string.

user> (h/ordinal 1)

user>  (h/ordinal 2)

user>  (h/ordinal 4)

user>  (h/ordinal 11)

user>  (h/ordinal 111)


Format a number of bytes as a human-readable filesize (eg. 10 kB). By default, decimal suffixes (kB, MB) are used. Passing the :binary option as true will use binary suffixes (KiB, MiB) are used.

The :format option gives more control over how the numeric part of the output filesize is created.

user>  (h/filesize 3000000 :binary false)

user>  (h/filesize 3000000000000 :binary false)

user>  (h/filesize 3000 :binary true :format "%.2f")

user>  (h/filesize 3000000 :binary true)


Truncate a string with suffix (ellipsis by default) if it is longer than specified length.

user> (h/truncate "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 10)

user> (h/truncate "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 10 "[more]")


Converts a list of items to a human-readable string with an optional limit.

user> (h/oxford ["apple" "orange" "mango"])
"apple, orange, and mango"

user> (h/oxford ["apple" "orange" "mango" "pear"]
                                       :maximum-display 2)
"apple, orange, and 2 others"

user> (h/oxford ["apple" "orange" "mango" "pear"]
                                       :maximum-display 2
                                       :truncate-noun "fruit")
"apple, orange, and 2 other fruits"

user> (h/oxford ["apple" "orange" "mango" "pear"]
        :maximum-display 2
        :number-format h/numberword
        :truncate-noun "fruit")
"apple, orange, and two other fruits"


Return the pluralized noun if the given number is not 1.

user (require '[clj-commons.humanize.inflect :as i])

user> (i/pluralize-noun 2 "thief")

user> (i/pluralize-noun 3 "tomato")

user> (i/pluralize-noun 4 "roof")

user> (i/pluralize-noun 5 "person")

user> (i/pluralize-noun 6 "buzz")

Other functions in the inflect namespace are used to extend the rules for how particular words, or particular letter patterns in words, can be pluralized.


Given a datetime or date, return a human-friendly representation of the amount of time difference, relative to the current time.

user> (require '[clj-time.core :as t])

user> (h/datetime (t/plus (t/now) (t/seconds -30)))
"30 seconds ago"

user> (h/datetime (t/plus (t/now) (t/seconds 30)))
"in 30 seconds"

user> (h/datetime (t/plus (t/now) (t/years -20)))
"2 decades ago"

user> (h/datetime (t/plus (t/now) (t/years -7)))
"7 years ago"


Given a duration in milliseconds, return a human-friendly representation of the amount of time passed.

user> (h/duration 2000)
"two seconds"

user> (h/duration 325100)
"five minutes, twenty-five seconds"

user> (h/duration 500)
"less than a second"

user> (h/duration 325100 {:number-format str})
=> "5 minutes, 25 seconds"



 clj -M:clj-kondo --lint src

Running Tests

JVM tests can be run with just:

clojure -X:test

For cljs, you will need node/npm in order to install karma:

npm install -g karma karma-cljs-test karma-chrome-launcher karma-firefox-launcher

Then tests can be run with:

clojure -M:cljs-test -x chrome-headless

Or -x firefox-headless.


Check deps-deploy README for details regarding clojars credentials.

Build a snapshot jar:

clojure -T:build jar

Deploy a snapshot:

 clojure -T:build deploy 

Set :release to true for a release version (make sure the version number in build.clj is correct first):

clojure -T:build deploy :release true


  • Add other missing functions


Copyright 2015-2023 Thura Hlaing

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Clojure Humanize" Project. README Source: clj-commons/humanize
Open Issues
Last Commit
6 months ago

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